A Look At The Newly Announced Nintendo Switch, From Software Confirmed as Partner

Oct. 20, 2016

A Look At The Newly Announced Nintendo Switch, From Software Confirmed as Partner

A Look At The Newly Announced Nintendo Switch, From Software Confirmed as Partner

The console sits in a switch dock and features 2 detachable controllers called Joy-cons that can behave as individual controllers when playing on a TV. When it’s time to get on the go, the screen portion of the console slides out of the dock and can be carried around, picking up your progress. The Joy-cons can also be attached to a controller shell that gives it more of a full fledged controller feel. Additionally two players can take control of one of the sticks for multiplayer action and it has been implied that multiple Switches can be combined for increased mutiplayer options.

The console is kicking it old school by going back to cartridges and Nintendo has worked with Nvidia to create its processor and custom software. The full specs and pricing is not listed yet, but with the release in a few short months we can anticipate some specifics shortly.

In the teaser video, we are shown people playing throughSkyrim, a new Mario Game, the new Zelda: Breath of the Wild, NBA 2K17 and others. We anticipate a full launch line-up soon, but in the interim, Nintendo has revealed the companies that are partners with the new console, withDark SoulsandBloodbornedeveloper From Software listed in that group. Souls on the Switch and on the go? We can only hope!

With the support of some AAA titles already in the works, it’s possible this console may launch Nintendo back into the major release conversation. Planning on picking one up? Let us know what you think about it in the comments and check out some more images below:



Editor at Fextralife. I look for the substantial in gaming and I try to connect video games to the emotions and stories they elicit. I love all things culture and history and have an odd fondness for the planet Jupiter. I think my dogs are pretty awesome too.

I’ll probably buy it, if only to play Dark Souls on the toilet.

How I see it, Nintendo needs to do 3 things in order for this to not be a failure.

  1. Have proper marketing-Everyone, myself included, had no idea what the Wii U was, what its games would be, nor any other relevant information that sells the console to us. Even when we found out, it was still confusing as most people assumed it was just an upgrade to the Wii or something like that due to its name. So far, by calling it the Switch, they have already solved 50% of the problem with the Wii U, but constant info pouring out that even a casual could understand is the key to not failing in this department.

2)The console services the games, not the other way around-So many Wii U games that I wanted to play were essentially ruined because you could only play with the gamepad. While the gamepad is not awful, expecting me to hold up that thing to play games and mess with its gimmicks was just unreasonable. If every single game that comes out for the system allows me to play them with the pro controller, the problem is solved.

3)Have good games-The third party and even second and first party support for the Wii U was abysmal in comparison to its predecessors, so having a strong game selection should be their number one priority. So far, Breath of the Wild and the true successor to Mario Galaxy are great ways to step it up, but to really cement their foothold in the industry, ports of Smash Bros. and new IPs from third parties is what is needed.

The console sits in a switch dock and features 2 detachable controllers called Joy-cons that can behave as individual controllers when playing on a TV. When it’s time to get on the go, the screen portion of the console slides out of the dock and can be carried around, picking up your progress. The Joy-cons can also be attached to …

Edited the main post and added an in-depth analysis of the companies listed by Nintendo as partners, it’s inside the spoiler tag.

The funny thing about batteries is that there is no good reason for phone and/or computer’s to have such short life, there are multiple laptops that can withstand over 14 hours of continuous usage on a single full charge. The Switch’s battery life as a handheld is 100% on Nintendo’s willingness to make it so, the cost does not change that much. As much as gaming is far more taxing than surfing the web, I’d expect at a 6 hour life out of it, multiply that by 10 if in stand-by. Won’t be surprised if it’s lower, though, disappointed sure, but definitely not surprised.

And as much as the battery life may impact the console’s lifespan, it’s success at launch is determined by two things only: price and launch titles; if it manages to stay below the other two’s price as Nintendo has been doing for the last two generations, it already has a spot guaranteed in many people’s home just with what they’ve showed so far, but that’s not enough, appealing to the hardcore Nintendo fans will not save them from repeating the failure that the WiiU was, they need launch titles, so far we have a new Mario and Mario Kart, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, whatever that NBA game was, Just Dance and Splatoon, which sounds good for now, but if they don’t keep it up and announce more titles until January I think I’d rather wait until the console is a bust and buy one at a clearance sale just to play LoZ.

And just to be fair with other people who answer, my favourite color is green.


I think this thing will literally live and die by it’s battery life as a handheld because based on it’s size it can’t really compete with upcoming consoles (and probably not the current models either) in terms of horsepower. If suddenly people can take (less good looking versions of) AA and AAA games with them without having to lug around a $1200 laptop or tablet, and the battery life is actually good, then I think it can succeed. 99% of mobile games are trash, and even ones that might have been good are often ruined by the limited controls (lets face it, touch screen controls are garbage) so on the high quality mobile gaming front they have no competition, we just have to see if there is a market for that.

I think there is, I love my vita for precisely the same reason (though I use it a lot less seeing as I’ve worked from home for like 2 years now,) and I think they’re trying to avoid the Vita’s mistakes with strong 1st party support (which they litreally always have) and by having it double as a traditional console (without having to drop extra money on a peripheral) hopefully including enough power to let them maintain the 3rd party support they need (as a lack of that support killed both the Vita and the Wii U.)

Not at launch, at least not as it stands right now. 1: I’m poor, 2: I work from home so mobility isn’t a big concern, 3: I’m poor, 4: I’m 100% positive that I can get a better at home experience with all multiplat games than any portable hybrid can offer and we don’t know of any exclusives that might sway me, 5: I’ll probably be too busy playing Persona 5.

Blue, followed closely by pink.