Beast a Brutal Tactical Turn-based RPG Announced for 2024

Sep. 6, 2023

Set in the Ottoman empire, a veteran returns after a decade spent as a slave only to find their homeland of Carpathian unrecognisable. Ravaged by a hellish plague and is also dealing with the reign of a king driven mad. The trailer hints at possible love also now taken by the death and all is left is his band of loyal soldiers.

The footage shown features in-game scenes developed in Unreal Engine 5. The setting is what you’d expect from a plague-ridden world that’s only making things much tougher to survive. But the game wouldn’t be called Beast without something more sinister lurking inside the main protagonist. Filled with moral decisions that will shape combat as well as an insanity system.

Combat is described as fast-paced and gridless. Shown at the end of the announcement trailer are a few encounters which end in some intense scenes. It looks to be a mix ofDarkest Dungeon 2and tactical games such as Mutant Year Zero. The blend of dark, medieval struggle and more gory fantasy horror elements makes it an intriguing concept. The cutscenes will surely up the impact of difficult decisions made in battle as well as outline the grim nature of this game.


News Editor at Fextralife. Yuria is an avid PC gamer and Twitch streamer who enjoys online multi-player games and believes games should have amazing storylines not just great graphics.

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