Best Diablo 4 Necromancer Builds
Best Diablo 4 Necromancer Builds– In this Diablo 4 Necromancer Builds Guide, I’ll share the best Necromancer Builds that we have so far. For now, these are comprised ofDiablo 4 Buildsranging from Level 25-50 and Level 50-70. Note that I’ll be updating this list in the next coming days. Here, I’ll be explaining what makes theNecromancerunique, how their playstyles change depending on the chosenSkills, and how thisClasswill transform later on in the game. If you’re searching for the Best Diablo 4 Necromancer Builds to make the most of your time in the game, then this Guide is for you!
TheDiablo 4Necromancer Class is a summoner who specializes in resurrecting the undead to fight by their side. Alternatively, they can make use of this to activate powerful Skills like the belovedCorpse Explosion. Necromancers have a wide selection ofWeaponsto choose from, not limited to swords, daggers, and their signature Weapon, the scythe. To cast their other Spells though, they’ll need to consume Essence.
TheStatsthey’ll need to focus on to bring the best out of the corresponding D4 Necro Builds areIntelligenceto boost Skill damage,Willpowerto increase their Essence regeneration and Overpower Damage, which is great for those who utilize Blood Skills, andDexterityto raise the chances to land crits.
When it comes to the Necromancer’s Unique Mechanic, there’s theBook of the Dead. This lets them customize the playstyles of their armies, including the Skeletal Warriors, Skeletal Mages, and the Golem. Furthermore, players have the option to sacrifice any of these Minions to receive buffs, which will enhance their Build.
If you desire to embrace the dark arts by raising the dead, detonating Corpses, or taking advantage of the bones of your enemies, then the Diablo 4 Necromancer is the best Class for you.
The Detonator Diablo 4 Necromancer Build for World Tier 1 and World Tier 2 offers a beginner-friendly strategy that focuses on combiningBone Spearand Corpse Explosion for devastating results. By utilizing these two Skills alternately, you can swiftly eliminate enemies from a distance. Despite the damage reduction on Corpse Explosion, it remains a highly reliable and lethal Skill for its burst damage against all enemy types, making it a crucial part of this D4 Necro Build.
To consistently generate Essence, you have two key components, namelyDecomposeand theGrim Harvestpassive. Decompose provides a steady supply of Essence when you slay enemies using this Skill. In combination with theFlesh-Rending Aspect, you gain more of this resource each time you spawn a Corpse with Decompose, letting you trigger Bone Spear over and over again to make targetsVulnerable. Conversely, Grim Harvest grants significant Essence upon using Corpse Explosion, allowing you to gain this resource back without relying on other Skills.
When facingElitesandBosses, this Diablo 4 Necromancer Build needs to heavily lean on Minions, especially the Golem. Not only does he draw enemy attention and absorb damage but he also generates a Corpse every time hisHealthis depleted. This ensures that you can continue utilizing Corpse Explosion despite having fewer Corpses available.
If you’re looking for a Diablo IV Necromancer Build that provides a solid and efficient playstyle for beginners by enabling them to quickly destroy enemies with a combination of Bone Spear and Corpse Explosion, then the Detonator Necromancer is the best Diablo 4 Build for you. The synergy between both Skills and the ability to generate Essence consistently makes this Build highly effective!
The Blood Burst Diablo 4 Necromancer Build for World Tier 1 and World Tier 2 offers a dynamic playstyle that revolves around utilizing Bone Spear andBlood Surgeto unleash massive burst damage. The strategy is to alternate between these two Core Skills, thereby maximizing single-target and AoE damage.
With Bone Spear, this Blood Burst Diablo 4 Necro Build will need theAspect of Tormentto improve Essence generation whenever you dealCritical Strike Damagewith Bone Spear. Another must-haveLegendary Aspectfor this Skill is theSplintering Aspect. The Splintering Aspect makes other enemies Vulnerable, not just the one you’ll be attacking first. So you’ll end up destroying them faster.
With Blood Surge, you’ll deal explosive damage while simultaneously replenishing your Health by draining the blood of your foes. This ensures your survival in various combat scenarios, whether you’re facing regular targets or Bosses. Additionally, activatingHemorrhagenot only reduces incoming damage but also generates Essence and formsBlood Orbsto once again, restore this Diablo IV Necro Build’s HP.
When facing Elites and Bosses, theBlood Wave Ultimate Skillbecomes a valuable asset. It inflicts significant burst damage and pushes back your targets. Thanks to thePrime Blood Wave, you can Slow down enemies whereas theSupreme Blood Waveprovides you with more Blood Orbs, which you can benefit from in these types of encounters. And with the Book of the Dead, you’ll be sacrificing the Golem to permanently increase yourMaximum Life, and therefore the damage you deal using Blood Surge.
If you’re searching for a Diablo IV Necromancer Build that excels in dealing massive burst damage while remaining extremely durable through life-stealing abilities, then look no further because the Blood Burst Necromancer is the right Diablo 4 Build for you! It offers a unique twist by only raising Skeletons without needing the Golem to tank damage.
The Blightmaster Diablo 4 Necromancer Build for World Tier 1 and World Tier 2 focuses on destroying enemies with Damage Over Time (DoT) effects through the strategic use ofBlightand Corpse Explosion. The way this D4 Necro Build works is to first deploy Blight to create AoE puddles that deal massive and stacking DoT, which then Slows down enemies while boosting your own and your Minions’ damage. Once you don’t have enough Essence, you’ll switch to Corpse Explosion to make Corpses explode, and as a result, create additional AoE DoT puddles.
To maintain a decent level of Essence, you’ll continually cast Decompose, which synergizes well with the Flesh-Rending Aspect. Here, more Essence is generated whenever you spawn a Corpse with Decompose, which happens often. The combination of Blight, Decompose, and Corpse Explosion allows for the efficient annihilation of several enemies on the battlefield.
Against Elites and Bosses, you’ll make your Skeleton Warriors, Skeleton Mages, and Golem run wild. Passive Skills like theSkeletal Warrior Masteryenhance the damage and durability of your Minions to ensure the quick death of even the strongest enemies. What’s more, is that the Golem provides this Diablo 4 Necromancer Build with a steady supply of Corpses during these tough encounters in addition to acting as a meat shield.
Additionally,Army of the Deadwill be of use against Bosses. Specifically, thePrime Army of the Deadupgrade enhances the effectiveness of the Skeletons summoned from this Ultimate Skill since they grant a chance to drop Corpses upon exploding.
But the power of this Blightmaster Diablo 4 Necro Build doesn’t end there since you’re going to need theAspect of Reanimationand theBlood Getter’s Aspect. The Aspect of Reanimation further improves the damage of your Skeletons while the Blood Getter’s Aspect raises the max number of Skeleton Warriors you summon so they can put down targets faster.
If you’re seeking a Diablo IV Necromancer Build to dominate the battlefield with potent DoT effects together with the combined power of Minions to control the flow of combat, then this Blightmaster Necromancer should be the Diablo 4 Build for you!
This Level 50-70 version of the Defiler Diablo 4 Necromancer Build for World Tier 3 initiates encounters with Bone Spear to apply the Vulnerable effect straightaway. This is then followed by detonating Corpses with Corpse Explosion, where alternating between these two Skills still allows you to annihilate enemies fast in World Tier 3. To make the most out of Bone Spear’s damage, you’re going to need to equip theDeathless Visage Sacred Unique Helm.
By making Corpses explode, you not only restore Essence but also have the opportunity to heal your Minions. This constant cycle ensures that your resources are high enough to deal substantial Critical Strike Damage. To make matters better, you’re going to select theOssified Essence Key Passive, which further enhances your damage output. What this specifically does is it grants a 1% damage bonus for every Essence you maintain above 50. Because of your constantly high resource value, you end up dealing more than 100% additional damage!
As you progress to higher levels, certain bone passives likeSerration,Compound Fracture, andEvulsionbecome extremely important for this Defiler Diablo IV Necromancer Build. These Skills raise the chances of landing crits with Bone Skills while also improving your damage against Vulnerable targets. Changing Decompose forBone Splintersenhances Essence regeneration, and gaining access toAcolyte’s Bone Splintersprovides you with aCritical Strike Chancebonus as long as you repetitively attack the same enemy.
In terms of the Legendary Aspects for this Diablo 4 Necro Build, you’re going to concentrate on getting theAspect of Inner Calmor theEdgemaster’s Aspectfor yourRing. The Aspect of Inner Calm gradually boosts your damage while standing still, which is ideal since multiple Minions are providing protection. Conversely, Edgemaster’s Aspect is better for those who want to keep moving about. It grants greater damage output when your Essence is full.
Against Elites and Bosses,Bone Stormcomes in handy in terms of the DoT it deals with the increased Critical Strike Chance bonus to further enhance your offensive capabilities.
If you wish to play a Diablo IV Necromancer Build that deals devastating damage and multiple critical strikes while having the ability to efficiently manage resources, then you should consider this Defiler Necromancer as the Diablo 4 Build to try!
This Level 50-70 version of the Vampire Diablo 4 Necromancer Build for World Tier 3 builds on the foundation of the Blood Burst D4 Necro Build such that it continues to deal massive Overpower Damage through Blood Surge, and this time, withRathma’s Vigoras long as you remain Healthy. By capitalizing on both Skills, you’re able to obliterate enemies on the screen very quickly.
As you progress to Level 50, the Skills you’ve used before will no longer be viable due to the Essence starvation you’ll constantly experience. So to address this issue, Bone Spear will be replaced with Corpse Explosion andBone Prison. Not only will you regenerate Essence much more fluidly and deal significant damage as a result but you’ll also apply Vulnerable to loads of targets in the area.
The general Skill rotation for this Diablo 4 Necro Build is to start by luring enemies and then unleashingIron Maidencoupled with Blood Surge and Rathma’s Vigor to maximize your damage output. When the next wave of foes comes in, there will already be a lot of Corpses on the ground so you’ll trigger Corpse Explosion to destroy them without having to further drain your Essence. The Blood-bathed Aspect remains crucial here due to the additional damage you deal with the second nova explosion. Meanwhile, theAspect of Rathma’s Chosengrants an Attack Speed bonus when Blood Surge attacks Overpower.
When facing Elites and Bosses, this D4 Necromancer Build will utilize the Bone Storm Ultimate Skill instead of Blood Wave as it offers superior damage even without having a Golem to summon. Upgrading Bone Storm toPrime Bone StormandSupreme Bone Stormfurther enhances your survivability and critical hits against tougher foes.
The Book of the Dead plays a significant role in this Diablo IV Necromancer Build. Sacrificing all Minions enhances your resilience while amplifying the damage of Overpower. This becomes more effective with theSacrificial Aspect. And finally, remember to maximize theStand AloneandMemento Moripassives, especially since you’re now a Lone Vampire. Doing so improves survivability and lets you gain special buffs from sacrificing your Skeletons.
This Diablo IV Necromancer Build is ideal for players who intend to overwhelm enemies by dealing waves of Overpower Damage with Blood Surge and Rathma’s Vigor. So if you’re searching for a fun and strategic Build to inflict high burst damage, then you won’t go wrong with the Vampire Necromancer!
This Level 50-70 version of the Blightlord Diablo 4 Necromancer Build for World Tier 3 is a powerful summoner that is different from the previous Blightmaster Necromancer Beginner Build. Here, you’ll still initiate encounters by castingIron Maidento curse enemies from the get-go instead of usingBlight. Doing so will increase your damage against them while healing yourself the moment they die. You’ll also make use of theShadowblight Key Passiveto boost your and your summons’ damage the moment they step into puddles of Shadow AoEs. This, together with theBlighted AspectandAspect of the Damnedwill certainly amplify your Shadow DoT.
What’s more, is that you’ll continue to take advantage ofCorpse Explosion, specifically theBlighted Corpse Explosionupgradeto keep stacking your Shadow Damage further to get rid of targets efficiently. With theGrim HarvestandHewed Fleshpassives, you’ll continually spawn Corpses so this won’t be an issue even when facing Bosses.
On the side of your Minions, you’re going to want to make them as resilient as possible on top of boosting their damage potential by maximizing passives such asSkeletal Warrior MasteryandSkeletal Mage Mastery.Be sure to immediately resurrect your summons over casting Corpse Explosion even if only 1 or 2 of them have fallen. The Skeletal Priest who buffs their damage and heals them only comes up when they’re complete.
Since this Diablo 4 Necro Build lacksBlood Mistfor Immunity, you’ll need to have theAspect of Shielding Stormimprinted to provide you with aBarrierevery timeBone Stormis triggered. Doing so will also activate Shadowblight for the extra Shadow DoT.
If you want to play a Diablo IV Necromancer Build to command a formidable army of Minions in addition to inflicting devastating DoT, then this Blightlord Necromancer is the one you’re looking for. With the synergistic combination of Corpse Explosion, Shadowblight, and various aspects, this Build excels in melting enemies and Bosses quickly while maintaining a strong Minion presence on the battlefield!
This Level 50-70 version of the Reaper Diablo 4 Necromancer Build for World Tier 3 begins by engaging groups of enemies withReap, which automatically drops Corpses thanks to theAcolyte’s Reapupgrade. Next, you’ll activateCorpse Tendrilsto gather all nearby targets, thereby grouping them atop the Corpses. As you’re doing this, trigger Corpse Explosion to create your first Shadow AoE Damage followed by attacking withSever. Sever will be utilized until you run out of Essence or after applying Vulnerable to all enemies. To finish off surviving foes, keep detonating Corpses with Corpse Explosion.
An excellent addition to this Reaper Diablo 4 Necromancer Midgame Build is theHowl from Below Sacred Unique Gloves, which enhances your Corpse Explosion by dealing additional damage. This allows for faster Skill casting and causes Skeletons to not only run to enemies but also explode to create pools of Shadow Damage, even reaching distant targets.
Against Elites and Bosses, where Corpses aren’t easily spawned and you lack the Skeletal Warriors to generate extra Corpses, a similar approach to the Blightlord D4 Necro Build can be employed thanks to the Hewed Flesh passive. What it does is it grants a chance to create a Corpse upon landing aLucky Hitwith any damage.
Furthermore, due to the ticking Shadow Damage from Corpse Explosion and the Blighted Corpse Explosion upgrade, each tick presents an opportunity to spawn another Corpse. By accumulating a few of them on the ground, you can trigger a cascading effect, resulting in even more Corpses. This strategy allows for consistent and substantial damage output against regular Bosses and even World Bosses alike.
If you intend to play a Diablo IV Necromancer Build for its efficient Corpse management, devastating AoE damage, and the ability to detonate Corpses, you’ll enjoy this Reaper Necromancer!
That’s it for our Best Diablo 4 Necromancer Builds! I hope you enjoyed our list and you learned something about D4 Necro Builds! Be sure to check out ourDiablo 4 Wikifor any other questions you have about the game and theBuildspage if you are looking for more Diablo IV Builds, as well as ourUltimate Beginner GuideandAll Classes Overviewif you are looking for more Diablo 4 content!
Writer at Fextralife. I enjoy playing RPGs, narrative-driven games, and platformers. Outside of gaming, I like watching meaningful movies and reading sci-fi and dystopian books.