Bloodborne Patch 1.08 Released

Dec. 2, 2015

Bloodborne Patch 1.08 Released

Bloodborne Patch 1.08 Released

For anyone who may have missed the release information,BloodbornePatch 1.08 was released which addresses some of the major issues that resulted in the emergency maintenance server shut down period.

Bloodborne players were in a state of online darkness for several hours beginning on Tuesday because of an emergency server shutdown which was caused by issues introduced in patch 1.07. As you know, patch 1.07 was a free patch that was offered right before the release ofThe Old Huntersexpansion. In the major patch, players were given several new gameplay features such as the new covenantThe League,NPC summonsand general infrastructure tweaks and improvements. Clearly not everything was cohesive with the patch which necessitated the shutdown.

Patch 1.08 now available for everyone has addressed the issue and brought the servers back online. The patch notes themselves are as vague as can be, noting various bug fixes.Weapondamage changes have been rumored but nothing is confirmed. If/when we get official translated detailed notes we will share them here and on thePatch Notessection of the wiki.

In the meantime, enjoy hunting online again! Check out our newly printedBloodborne: The Old Hunters Reviewwhich gives a thorough assessment of what to expect with the great new content. Spoilers: we like it a lot! How are you all enjoying the new content? Or are you picking up the special edition? Let us know in the comments.

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Editor at Fextralife. I look for the substantial in gaming and I try to connect video games to the emotions and stories they elicit. I love all things culture and history and have an odd fondness for the planet Jupiter. I think my dogs are pretty awesome too.