Check Out The Monster Hunter: World PS4 Pro "Liolaeus Edition" Bundle! TGS 2017

Sep. 19, 2017

After announcing theofficial launch dateforMonster Hunter: Worldat Sony’s annual PlayStation Press Conference, Capcom released images featuring their limited “LiolaeusEdition” or “RathalosEdition” PlayStation 4 Pro bundle.

Monster Hunter: WorldPlayStation 4 Pro “LiolaeusEdition”

Monster Hunter: WorldPlayStation 4 Pro “LiolaeusEdition”

It’ll launch in Japan onDecember 7th, with pre-orders starting tomorrow at noon JST(UTC +9),September 20th. So far, there hasn’t been an announcement for any worldwide release for this special edition PS4 Pro.

Included in this limited edition PS4 Pro bundle are:

You can check out how theMonster Hunter: WorldPS4 Pro “Liolaeus Edition” bundle looks, below:

You can also check out thisInterviewwith DirectorYuya Tokudaand ProducerRyozo Tsujimotoon the new features ofMonster Hunter: World. Such as this4 Player Online Co-Opdemonstrated by Director and Producer themselves.

Visit theMonster Hunter: Worldwiki


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