Destiny's Sparrow Racing League Set To Begin Today

Dec. 8, 2015

Destiny’s Sparrow Racing League Set To Begin Today

Destiny’s Sparrow Racing League Set To Begin Today

In a move that seems a strange fit at first but perfect when you think about it more,Destinydeveloper Bungie is introducing Sparrow Racing for 3 weeks starting today December 8th in conjunction with the December update. Mario Kart aficionados can celebrate and take a break fromraids,strikesand thecrucibleto compete on tracks against other Guardians and try to earn some new rewards. Players must own the Taken King expansion to participate, and a couple of in gamevendorswill be your key contacts for the event. Keep reading for the details on how to participate.

Tess has also set up shop with some complimentary features to enhance your social and cosmetic experience of the game:

Looks like it could be a fun diversion from the rigors of light level grinding. Although it’s only a 3 week event, Bungie seems open to exploring the option of making it a persistent activity depending on fan response. Regardless, you’ve got to give them credit for trying something new to keep infusing energy into the game. Will you be taking the plunge in some racing battles?

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Editor at Fextralife. I look for the substantial in gaming and I try to connect video games to the emotions and stories they elicit. I love all things culture and history and have an odd fondness for the planet Jupiter. I think my dogs are pretty awesome too.

I tried a couple of races so I could be a little more informed of what it was all about. It was shallow but pretty fun, not a whole lot of strategy other than hit the gates and don’t hit a wall. Pickups a la Mario Kart could be fun. It has potential to be a fun diversion though especially if it gets fleshed out with some more tracks that have varied routes and persistent leaderboards or stats that don’t require silver purchases. I do appreciate the arcadey racing element though.

Sad to see that it is only taken king buyers that can participate. It’s literally just another brick in the wall of shafting the early destiny player-base.

Yeah the limited thing baffles me too, even the way it’s 3 weeks. I think they’re trying to make it special, if you want to make is special, do it like IB, have it on for a week every now and then. There was little or no hype about it, we basically found out it coming a day or 2 before, all the other new modes, had hints dropped or hyped up months in advance.

I reckon it was pushed out early, TTK was a great DLC but is getting tired now and if my friendslist is anything to go by, people are playing other games. By this time last year we had the crota dlc, i think sparrow was brought in early to get people back.

I always sparrow race with random guys at strikes.

Not sure why it’s limited though, should’ve been a new Crucible mode. Probably it’ll be next year.

Surprised they only added it now, a few days into it’s initial launch, i was thinking they could make a game or mode out of the sparrows. Seriously they should grab some of the old studio liverpool guys and make a standalone sparrow racing\wipeout hybrid game.

It’s not very in depth but it is fun.