Diablo IV Season 5 - Patch 1.5.0 Overview

Aug. 8, 2024

Diablo IV Season 5 – Patch 1.5.0 Overview

Diablo IV Season 5 – Patch 1.5.0 Overview

The highly anticipated fifth season ofDiablo IVhas just launched, with the release of Patch 1.5.0. As fans eagerly prepare to dive back intoSanctuary, this major update brings about a ton of changes and enhancements. Patch 1.5.0 is set to introduce a lot of new content, including gameplay adjustments, balance tweaks, and fresh features designed to enrich the gaming experience.

Infernal Hordesis an exciting new wave-based feature available in bothSeasonalandEternal realms, starting withWorld Tier IIIafter completing a questline. Whether you prefer to go solo or team up with friends is completely up to you. To access Infernal Hordes, you’ll need to earn or craftInfernal Compassesfrom various types of end-game content.

Between waves of enemies, you’ll select anInfernal Offeringwhich can positively or negatively augment your run. Your choices will determine the deadliness of the enemies and the quality of your eventual rewards. Be careful, as you’ll have limited revives.

As you go through the waves, you’ll earnBurning Aether, which can be used after a run concludes to unlock various rewards. Burning Aether can also unlockSpoils of Hell, which give you items with aGreater Affix, various summoning materials, and a chance to unlock newUniquesandLegendaries. There are four different Spoils of Hell available upon completing your Infernal Hordes run. They areSpoils of Equipment,Spoils of Materials,Spoils of Gold, andSpoils of Greater Equipment

Eventually, you’ll complete the final wave and confront theFell Council, comprised of priests with unique and deadly attacks. There are five Fell Council members in total, and each one has unique abilities they can use against you. Every time you fight the Fell Council, three out of the five members will be selected at random as your opponents. As you deal damage, they will frenzy more and more, resulting in a tougher fight the closer you get to victory.

Hellbreach Dungeonscan be found inSeasonal Realmsand allow you to access one of the events available within Infernal Hordes. Defeat the enemies within, select an Infernal Offering, and kill the final boss. You’ll need to spend your Burning Aether on chests within the dungeon before leaving, as the currency will disappear upon departure.

Seasonal progression begins inWorld Tier IorII. To start, you’ll need to speak withCaptain Cireskain Zarbinet to set off on this continuation of the storyline. During the“The Eyes of the Enemy”questline, you’ll be introduced to theInfernal Hordesfeature and will need to speak with the city folk inHawezarinWorld Tier III.

Based on feedback from the PTR, several key updates and bug fixes have been implemented for the upcomingSeason of the Infernal Hordes.Infernal Hordesnow feature distinct audio cues for the beginning and end of waves. The number of waves has been adjusted: Tiers 1-3 have 6 waves, Tiers 4-5 have 7 waves, while other tiers remain unchanged. The wave timer has been reduced to 60 seconds, and the number of monsters encountered has generally increased. The health pools of theCounciland other bosses have been reduced.Infernal Compassescan now be acquired more frequently and through more means, including drops inHigh Tier Nightmare Dungeons, high-tierPit runs,Helltide, andWhisper caches.Compassescan now also be crafted at theOccultistusingForgotten SoulsandSigil Powderand salvaged forSigil Powder.

The drop rates forCompassesandAbyssal Scrollshave been increased, while rewards from chests have been significantly boosted and their prices decreased.Common HerbsandAngelbreathhave been added as potential drops, and the drop rate forShattered Prismshas been reduced. Defeating theCouncilnow guarantees an additional drop ofAetherthat scales with tier, andShocktroopers,Aether Masses,Hellseekers, andSoul Spiresnow drop moreAether, which pets can now pick up. TheExploit Weaknessmechanic has been adjusted so it no longer executes all enemies at any health. The drop rate forLegendary itemsinHelltidehas improved for monsters above Level 100. Numerous updates have been made toHelltide, and the penalty where only the player who opened thePitreceived the full amount ofMasterworking materialshas been removed.

Several bug fixes have been implemented across different classes inDiablo IV.

For theBarbarian, issues were fixed whereDouble Swingdid not strike additional times on a fifth cast withTwin Strikes, theExpose Vulnerabilitypassive could trigger fromBasic Skillswith theShard of VerathielUnique item, and stacks wouldn’t be granted fromCrown of Lucionwhile channelingWhirlwind. For theDruid, an issue was resolved wherePoison Creeper‘s damage could scale extremely high when hitting multiple enemies.

TheNecromancerhad a fix where theAspect of Bursting Bonesdidn’t properly scale withPath of Trag’Oul.

TheRoguesaw multiple fixes, including issues withStun Grenadeeffects,Advanced FlurryandMomentumlosing stacks when triggeringLucky Hitor other on-hit effects, and variousTempering Affixfunctions. Additionally,Enhanced Caltrops,Vengeful Aspect,Fundamental Blade Shift,Advanced Flurry,Malicedamage bonus, andEnhanced Dark Shroudwere addressed.

For theSorcerer, fixes includedEnhanced Lightning Spearnot functioning properly,Axial Conduit‘s Explosion not benefiting fromGreater Chain Lightning, bonusChain Lightning Projectilesnot benefiting fromAxial Conduit, and theAspect of Elemental Acuitynot applying toAmulets.Flame Shield Enchantmentand its interaction with theAspect of the Firebirdwere also fixed.

General fixes includedAzurewrathnot freezing enemies or dealing cold damage forDruidsorSorcerers, newUnique itemsbecoming account-bound on pickup,Tortured Giftsnot always dropping items inWorld Tiers IandII, and certainTempering Recipesbeing lost afterSeasonal Migration. Additional fixes addressed skills granting immunity triggering cooldowns incorrectly, Boss health inThe Pitdecreasing with each respawn, non-boss monsters inThe Pitgaining damage reduction buffs meant for bosses, theMother’s Judgementboss not dropping loot, andVarshanfailing to spawn.

InPatch 1.5.0, theAlchemist Control Rogue Temper Manualwill not be available, but it is scheduled to return inPatch 1.5.1. For all classes, new tempering recipes have been introduced, including theWorldly Finesserecipe, which boostsCritical Strike Damage,Vulnerable Damage,Overpower Damage, andUltimate Damage.

ForBarbarians, theAspect of Forward Momentumhas been added, which grants 25-40%Movement Speedfor 3 seconds after knocking back an enemy. TheSlayer’s Finessetempering recipe enhancesVulnerable Damage,Bonus DamageagainstInjuredtargets, andBleeding Damage.

For theDruids, a unique item, theMjölnic Ryng, a unique ring that provides unlimitedSpiritand increased damage whileCataclysmis active, has been introduced. TheAspect of the Rushing WildsincreasesMovement Speedby 5-15% for 5 seconds when casting aCompanion Skill. New tempering recipes includeUltimate Efficiency, which reduces cooldowns forCataclysm,Lacerate,Petrify, andGrizzly Rage.

ForNecromancers, thePath of Trag’Oulunique boots have been introduced, which enhanceBone Prisonand increaseMaximum Essence. TheAspect of the Unholy Tethercreates a bond with theGolem, increasingMovement Speed, while theInexorable Reaper’s AspecttransformsSeverinto aMobility Skillwith noEssencecost. TheAspect of Creeping MistreducesEvade Cooldownand allowsEvadingduringBlood Mist, and theImprisoned Spirit’s AspectenhancesBone Spiritexplosions withinBone Prison. TheNecromancer Walltempering recipe adds toNecrotic CarapaceandDrain VitalitywhileprovidingMinion Damage Reduction.

Roguesget theShroud of Khanduras, a unique chest armor that grants 3 seconds of immunity withDark Shroudbut increases theEvade Cooldownby 3 to 9 seconds. WhileDark Shroudis active, evading creates an explosion that dealsShadow damageand pulls in enemies.

RegardingLegendary Aspects, theAspect of Nebulous Brewsenhances mobility by providing 35-50%Movement Speedfor 3 seconds upon using aHealing Potionand spawns another Healing Potion after moving 20 to 30 meters. TheGalvanized Slasher’s Aspectimproves resource management by offering a 15-30% chance to fully restoreEnergywhen hitting an enemy with aMobility Skilland increasesMaximum Energyby 15-30. TheOf Iron RainAspect boosts offensive capabilities, givingSmoke Grenadea 35-50% chance to create anArrow Stormthat dealsPhysical damageover 3 seconds and appliesVulnerablecontinuously. TheBreakneck Bandit’s AspectincreasesFlurry‘s damage by 25-40% and adds a 20% chance to stun enemies for 3 seconds with each hit. Lastly, theMired Sharpshooter’s AspectconvertsCaltropsinto aMarksman Skillthat periodically throws 5-20 piercing daggers, each dealingShadow damageand applyingVulnerablefor 3 seconds.

For the tempering recipes, theSubterfuge Expertiserecipes enhance several aspects of their abilities. They boostSmoke Grenadedamage and size, increase damage for eachDark ShroudShadow, and add extra damage on the next attack after enteringStealth. TheRogue Persistencerecipes focus on improving survivability and resistance. They increase the percentage ofMaximum Lifegained whileDark Shroudis active and raiseMaximumandAll Resistancepercentages for 5 seconds fromHealth Potions. Additionally, they enhance theSkill Ranksof bothSecond WindandAftermath.

ForSorcerers, the unique itemAxial Conduitis a pair of pants that enhancesChain Lightningby alternating between orbiting the Sorcerer and seeking up to three enemies. WhenChain Lightningreturns, it drains 6Manaper active Chain Lightning, and after draining a total of 66Mana, it explodes for 270%-570%Lightning damage. If the Sorcerer runs out ofMana,Chain Lightningwill expire.

Several newLegendary Aspectshave been introduced. TheAspect Of Tenuous Agilitygrants 5-15% increasedMovement Speed, with the bonus doubled if noDefensive Skillhas been used in the past 8 seconds. TheAspect Of the Firebirdprovides theFlame Shield Enchantmentfor free, and whenFlame Shieldactivates,Meteoritesfall around the Sorcerer, dealing 50%-70%Fire damage. TheLightning Rod AspectgivesChain Lightninga 5-20% chance to chain an additional time when hittingCrowd Controlled enemiesandBosses, and it will seek them as targets. It also has a 25% chance to deal 50-80% increased damage, with this chance doubled againstBossesorCrowd Controlled enemies. TheAspect Of Elemental AcuityincreasesMana Regenerationby 10-20% for 5 seconds when casting aPyromancy,Shock, orFrost Skill, with the total bonus reaching 60-120% at maximum stacks for 10 seconds, but all stacks expire after the duration. Lastly, theAspect Of the Orange Heraldprovides up to a 5-10% chance to reduce theCooldownof theUltimate Skillby 2 seconds when damaging an enemy with a Skill, with this effect occurring only once per Skill cast.

Tempering Recipesinclude various enhancements for weapons and utility skills. For weapons, theDischargerecipe adds a chance to cast an additionalCharged Boltand increasesTeleportsize, both of which were previouslyShock Augments. It also enhances the chance forArc Lashto swipe twice. TheConjurationrecipe boosts the number ofHydra Headson cast, and adds chances for additionalIce BladeandLightning Spearcasts.

In terms of utility,Conjuration Fortuneincreases theLucky Hit ChanceforHydra,Ice Blade, andLightning Spear.Elemental Controloffers skill rank boosts toConvulsions,Snap Freeze, andCrippling Flames.

Additional updates to existing tempering recipes include adding skill ranks toConductionunderSorcerer Motionand increasing the duration ofIce Armor, which has been added toFrost Cage.

All Unique items have received an update to better align them with our current design philosophy for Unique items. A visual gallery showcasing the changes to each item can be found at the end of these patch notes.

For theBarbarianclass, several skills have been adjusted.Bashnow has the functionality that after bashing enemies four times, the nextBashwillClobber, stunning enemies for 1.5 seconds.Clobberoccurs twice as often when using aTwo-Handed weapon.

Enhanced Bashnow grants 20%Maximum LifeasFortifywhen Clobbering an enemy, andBattle Bashgenerates an additional 10Furywhen Clobbering an enemy.Enhanced Flayhas increasedVulnerableduration from 3 to 5 seconds, whileCombat Flay‘sDamage Reductionis increased from 3% to 4%, with maximum stacks increased from 4 to 5 and the buff duration extended from 3 to 6 seconds.Combat Lunging Strikenow has an increasedBerserkingduration from 1.5 to 3 seconds.Rend‘s damage is increased by 10%,Violent Rend‘s damage bonus toVulnerableis increased from 25% to 30%, andFurious Rend‘sFurygain is increased from 4 to 5, with maximumFurygain increased from 20 to 25.

Hammer of the Ancientshas a 10% increase in damage.Furious Hammer of the Ancientsnow gains 2%Critical Strike Chancefor every 10Furyyou had when cast, andCritical StrikeswillKnock Downenemies for 1.5 seconds.Violent Hammer of the Ancientshas increased the damage bonus from 30% to 40%.Upheaval‘s damage is increased by 15%, withEnhanced Upheaval‘sStunchance increased from 20% to 35% and theStunduration increased from 2.5 to 3 seconds.Violent Upheavalincreases the baseBerserkingduration from 2 to 3 seconds and the bonus duration from 3 to 5 seconds.Tactical Ground Stomp‘sFurygain is increased from 40 to 60.Enhanced Iron Skinhas increased theBarrieramount from 20% to 25% of maximumLife, andTactical Challenging Shout‘sFurygain when taking damage is increased from 3 to 6.Kick‘sCharge Cooldownis reduced from 13 to 9 seconds.

In terms of passives,Endless Furyno longer requiresTwo-Handed weapons, andFurygain fromBasic Skillsis increased from 10/20/30% to 12/24/36%.Imposing Presencenow has a reducedMaximum Healthfrom 6/12/18% to 5/10/15%.Thick Skin‘sFortifygain is increased from 0.4/0.8/1.2% to 0.6/1.2/1.8% of maximumLife.Concussion‘sStunduration is reduced from 3 to 2 seconds.Unconstrained‘sbonus damage is reduced from 75% to 35%, whileUnbridled Rage‘sbonus damage is reduced from 100% to 45%.Walking Arsenal‘sbonus damage per weapon type used is reduced from 12% to 8%, and the bonus damage while all three bonuses are active is reduced from 20% to 10%. The bonusAttack Speedwhile all three bonuses are active is reduced from 20% to 10%.Gushing Woundsnow increases theBleedamount by 70%, then by 100% of yourCritical Strike Damage, andOverpoweringaBleedingenemy creates an explosion that inflicts 120%Bleeding damageover 5 seconds.

Legendary Aspectshave also seen changes, with theWanton Rupture Aspect‘sfrequency increased from every 40-25 seconds to every 30-15 seconds. TheAspect of Grasping Whirlwindnow pulls in new targets three times as frequently, while theSteadfast Berserker’s Aspectno longer requires aLucky Hitand now always triggers.Aspect Of Sundered Groundnow has a 20-second timer for guaranteedOverpoweron the nextUpheavalcast and deals 15-30% increased damage, withCritical StrikesagainstElitesreducing this timer by 1 second.Aspect Of Ancestral Forcenow hasHammer of the Ancientsquake outward for 5-20% increased damage, with this bonus doubled againstBosses.

For theDruidclass, several updates and adjustments have been made to enhance gameplay and balance. A newPassive Rankbonus for theClarityaffix has been added toAmulets, allowing Druids to gain 25% more increasedSkill Damagefrom their primaryCore Stat. Additionally, Druids now receive a 1% increasedSkill Damagebonus for every 8 primaryCore Stat, improved from the previous requirement of 10 primaryCore Stat.

Skill adjustments are significant across the board.Landslide‘sdamage per hit has been increased from 37.5% to 70%, its damage area has grown from 1.5 to 2, and the number of pillars has been doubled, boosting the total damage from 70% to 280%.Shredhas seen buffs to all attacks: the 1st Attack damage is up from 28% to 52%, the 2nd Attack from 39% to 72%, and the 3rd Attack from 77% to 143%.Pulverize‘sdamage has been increased from 50% to 92.5%, whileTornado‘s damage has risen from 35% to 65%.Boulder’s damage has been raised from 46% to 70% ofweapon damage, andLightning Storm’sdamage has increased from 40% to 74%.Hurricane’s damage has been significantly buffed from 187% to 346%.RavensandPoison Creepercan now be cast while moving, adding to their utility.

Rabiesnow benefits from the increased spread rate granted by theNatural Rabiesupgrade, which has been applied to the base skill, increasing the spread distance by 70%, up from the previous 50%.

Lacerate’sdamage area has been expanded from 1 to 2, and casting it now teleports the caster to the target.Cataclysm’sLightning Strikerate has been doubled, leading to more consistent hits on enemies.

Grizzly Rage‘scooldown now starts after the ability ends, with its damage bonus increasing from 20% to 30%, and the bonus damage rises by 3% each second up to a maximum of 75%. Kills extend the duration by 1 second but cannot exceed 10 seconds.Debilitating Roar’sdamage reduction has been decreased from 70% to 40%.Blood Howlis now always aShout Skill, regardless ofNighthowler’s Aspect.Earthen Bulwarknow provides aBarrierthat absorbs 45% ofMaximum Lifein damage, up from 45% ofBase Life.Cyclone Armor’snon-physicalDamage Reductionhas been increased from 10% to 15%.

Passives have also been adjusted:Lupine Ferocitynow requires fewer hits to benefit from the effect, reduced from 6 to 3.Vigilance‘sdamage reductionperSkill Rankhas increased from 5% to 7%,Iron Fur‘s from 3% to 4%, andHeightened Senses‘ from 2% to 3%.Perfect Storm‘sdamage bonus has risen from 30% to 40%, andEarthen Might‘s baseLucky Hitchance has increased from 5% to 10%.

Legendary Aspectshave been updated with several changes. TheMetamorphic Stone Aspectno longer removes theWrathskill tag fromBoulder.Shepherd’s Aspectnow applies toCompanion Skills, dealing an additional 5-10% damage per Companion, rather thanCoreandWrath Skills.Skinwalker’s Aspectnow provides 5-20%Lifewhen using aShapeshifting Skillthat changes your form, with the same amount given asFortifyif at fullLife.Aftershock‘s delay from the second set of landslides has been slightly decreased.Stormclaw’s Aspecthas increasedShred’sCritical Strikesdamage from 15-30% to 25-40% of the damage dealt.

Aspect of the Blurred Beastnow offers bonus damage toPoisonedenemies, increased from 25-40% to 40-55%.Aspect of Retaliation‘sCore Skillbonus damage based onFortifyhas increased from 15-25% to 25-40%. TheSeismic-Shift Aspectno longer adds a cooldown toEarth Spike.Runeworker’s Conduit Aspectnow causesCritical StrikeswithStormskills to charge the air for 3 seconds, resulting in aLightning Bolthitting an enemy for 250%-350%Weapon DamageLightningdamage, withLightning Boltsdealing 20-40% increased damage.Balanced Aspecthas improvedSpirit GenerationwhileGrizzly Rageis active from 20% to 50%.Nighthowler’s Aspectnow provides aCritical Strike Bonusincreased from 5-10% to 10-15%, asBlood Howlis always aShout Skill.

Paragonadjustments include theThunderstruck Legendary Node, which now has a maximum bonus capped at 40% to 60%.Human Glyph‘sdamage bonus has increased from 6.6% to 9.9%, and itsDamage Reductionhas risen from 10% to 15%.Protector Glyph’sDamage Reductionhas also increased from 10% to 15%. TheWerebear Glyph‘sdamage bonus has been raised from 6.6% to 9.9%, withDamage Reductionincreasing from 10% to 15%. Similarly, theWerewolf Glyph’sDamage Reductionhas been improved from 10% to 15%.

TheNecromancerclass has undergone several updates and changes to enhance gameplay and balance. Necromancers now gain 25% more increasedSkill Damagefrom their primaryCore Stat, and they receive a 1% increasedSkill Damagebonus for every 8 primaryCore Stat, improved from the previous requirement of 10.

TheBook of the Deadhas been enhanced to allow NecromancerMinion attacksto nowOverpower, with Minions being more aggressive and automatically engaging nearby enemies. Additionally, theGolem‘sactive ability has been improved, enabling it to leap to the targeted location if it is far away, and theIron Golem’sSlamsize has been increased by 56%.

Passiveshave also been updated. The hits required forShadowblighthave been reduced from 10 to 8, with its damage increased from 22% to 44%.Hellbent Commandernow provides 10/20/30% increased damage toMinionswhile controlling at least 7 Minions, rather than being based on proximity.

Legendary Aspectshave seen several changes. The bonus damage fromBlighted Aspectafter triggeringShadowblight10 times has been reduced from 60-120% to 35-50%, aiming to balance the power ofShadowblight-based Necromancers while increasing the baseline power ofDarkness Core SkillsandShadowblightto maintain overall power levels.Aspect of Bursting Boneshas increasedBone Prison Burstdamage from 9-12.2% to 75-120% ofWeapon Damage.Aspect of Empowering Reaperhas raised the chance forSeverto createBlightfrom 10-25% to 15-30% and increasedBlightbonus damage from 40-100% to 60-120%.

Aspect of Hungry Blood‘s additionalBlood Lancedamage has increased from 33-48% to 40-70%.Aspect of Grasping Veinshas reduced theCritical Strike Chanceafter castingCorpse Tendrilsfrom 10-25% to 5-20% andCritical Strike Damagefrom 20-50% to 10-40%, with the bonus lasting for 6 seconds rather than indefinitely.Cadaverous Aspectnow increases the damage ofCore Skillsby 3.5-6% for 5 seconds after consuming aCorpse, up to 17.5-30%, rather than increasing the damage of the nextCore Skillby 5-10%.Torturous Aspectnow causes enemies to have a 10-25% chance to beStunnedfor 1 second when they take damage fromIron Maiden, rather than when dealing direct damage.Inexorable Reaper’s Aspecthas reducedSever’s Cooldownfrom 22-7 seconds to 13.5-6 seconds.

Paragonupdates include theWither Legendary Node‘sIntelligence scaling, now capped at 1200Intelligence.Bloodbath Legendary Nodehas increasedOverpowerdamage from 35% to 70%.Blood Begets Blood Legendary Node‘sdamage bonus perBlood Orbpickup has increased from 5% to 10%, with the maximum bonus damage rising from 30% to 50%.

TheRogueclass has undergone significant updates in various areas, enhancing their skills, passives, and equipment. One major change is the increase in the maximum number ofArrow Stormsfrom 5 to 7. ThePreparationskill now allows spending 75 Energy to reduce your Ultimate Skill’s Cooldown by 5 seconds and grants 15% Damage Reduction for 10 seconds. Additionally, using an Ultimate Skill resets the Cooldowns of other Skills. Rogues also benefit from a 1% increased Skill Damage for every 9 points in their primary Core Stat, an improvement from the previous requirement of 10 points.

Several skills have been adjusted for greater effectiveness.Blade Shiftnow deals 50% more damage and provides Unhindered status for 4 seconds, preventing Movement Speed reduction. TheFundamental Blade Shiftskill requires fewer enemies to activate Daze, while thePrimary Blade Shiftskill’sControl Impairing Effect Duration Reductionhas increased.Invigorating Strikehas seen a 20% damage increase, andEnhanced Twisting Bladesnow provides a 35% return damage bonus. TheShadow Stepskill has its damage increased by 11% and now applies Daze and Vulnerable effects to enemies. TheMethodical Shadow Stepnow grants 20% Damage Reduction for 3 seconds afterShadow Stepping, and theDisciplined Shadow Stepapplies Stun and reduces its Cooldown upon hitting an enemy.

Dashhas had its damage increased by 25% and now Slows enemies hit by 30% for 3 seconds. TheEnhanced DashincreasesCritical Strike Chanceby 10% for 5 seconds, while theDisciplined Dashcauses aKnock Downeffect and extra damage to surrounding enemies. TheMethodical Dashnow has an additional Charge and a reducedCharge Cooldown.Flurrydamage has increased significantly, and itsLucky Hit Chancehas been raised. Successive casts ofFlurrynow boost its damage and reduce Energy cost, and casting it heals 10% of your Maximum Life.Caltropsnow deals increased damage and has a higher Critical Strike Chance.

Dark Shroudimprovements include a reduced rate of shadow loss and a chance to prevent shadow consumption.Subverting Dark Shroudnow provides healing when shadows are removed, whileCountering Dark ShroudincreasesCritical Strike Chancefor each active shadow.Smoke Grenadenow deals increased Physical damage, with its Cooldown reduced when hitting Elite or Boss enemies.Subverting Smoke Grenadedeals Poison damage over time, andPoison Imbuementincreases itsPoisoning DurationandEnergygeneration.Poison Trapdamage has been increased, and its chance to reset Imbuements has improved.

Penetrating Shotnow deals increased damage per enemy it pierces and has a chance to fire an additional shot for free.Rain of Arrowshas a faster casting speed, higherLucky Hit Chance, and a reduced Cooldown. In terms of passives,Concussivehas been renamed toUnstable Elixirs, providing a stun effect and increased damage after using aHealing Potion.Rapid Gambitsnow reduceEvade Cooldownwith each enemy evaded, whileTrick AttacksboostCritical Strike Chanceand Damage when Dazing or Stunning enemies.Impetusprovides damage increases after movement, andMaliceincreases damage to Vulnerable or Knocked Down enemies.Alchemical Advantageenhances Attack Speed and Lucky Hit Chance when dealing Poison damage, andSecond Windgrants a Barrier after spending Energy.Aftermathprovides healing and Energy restoration while an Ultimate Skill is active, andWeapon Masteryboosts Dagger damage to Healthy enemies.

Legendary Aspectshave also been updated. TheEnshrouding Aspectgrants a freeDark Shroudshadow when using a Healing Potion.Aspect Of Arrow Stormsincreases the chance forMarksmanandCutthroatSkills to createArrow Storms, which deal more damage.VengefulboostsArrow StormDamage, whileRavager’sincreases damage bonus forShadow Step.Trickster’stransformsCaltropsandSmoke Grenadeinto Stun Grenades, andOf Noxious Iceenhances Poison damage to Frozen enemies.Aspect Of Bursting VenomsincreasesToxic PoolPoisoning damage, andAspect Of Volatile ShadowsboostsDark Shroudshadow Explosion damage.Aspect Of Stolen Vigorprovides increased damage and Unstoppable status while at maximum Momentum stacks.

Paragon updates includeTricks of the Trade, which increases damage forMarksmanandCutthroatSkills when using each other, andCheap Shot, which boosts damage based on the number of nearby Crowd Controlled enemies.Exploit Weaknessprovides a chance to increase damage to vulnerable enemies, andNo Witnessesincreases maximum damage bonus and duration for nearby crowd controlled enemies.

TheSorcererclass has undergone extensive changes, enhancing both skills and passive abilities to refine gameplay and balance.Crackling Energynow boasts a base damage increase from 20% to 30%, andSorcerersbenefit from a 25% increasedSkill Damagefrom their primaryCore Stat, with the Skill Damage bonus now granted per 8 points in the primary Core Stat instead of 10.

Several skills have been adjusted for greater effectiveness.Charged Boltsnow have an increased base damage of 30% to 38-45%, withEnhanced Charged Bolts‘ explosion damage rising from 45% to 79%, and total damage increasing from 150% to 175%.Spark‘s base damage per hit has been boosted from 10% to 12%, withEnhanced Spark‘sdamage increasing from 8% to 10%.Glinting Sparknow grants 2% increasedCritical Strike Chanceper cast for 5 seconds, up to 8%, and at max stacks,Sparkhits grant 1Mana.

Chain Lightningnow tracks the number ofChain Lightningsout, with damage increased from 36% to 43%.Greater Chain Lightningensures that each bounce deals 10% increased damage for its duration, up to 30%. TheChain Lightning Enchantmentnow has a 4-secondCooldownand no longer tracksManaor sends out Chain Lightnings if theMana Drainis from anAuto Castskill.

Flame Shield‘scooldown now begins whenInvulnerabilityends.Ice Armor‘sMax Life Base Shield amount has increased from 25% to 40%, and it no longer gains increased Shield based on damage.Enhanced Lightning Spearnow spawns an additionalLightning Spearand increases theirCritical Strike Chanceby 15%.

Blizzard‘sbase damage has increased from 130% to 150-210%, withEnhanced Blizzard‘sdamage to Frozen enemies rising from 25% to 40%.Wizard’s Blizzardnow grants 1Mana Regenerationfor every 20 Maximum Mana whileBlizzardis active.Teleport‘scooldown has increased from 11 to 14 seconds, with base damage rising from 25% to 35%.Ball Lightning‘sdamage has increased from 20% to 24%.Ice Shards‘ damage has gone up from 32% to 36%.Frozen Orb‘sbase damage has increased from 41% to 50%, withSharddamage increasing from 43% to 52%.

Passive skill updates include an increase inStunchance forConvulsionsfrom 5% to 7%, andImmobilizechance forCrippling Flamesfrom 5% to 7%.Snap Freeze‘sFreezechance has risen from 5% to 7%, whileStatic Discharge‘schance to spawnCrackling Energyhas increased from 5% to 6%.Shocking Impact‘sdamage per Rank has gone up from 40% to 50%.Combustion‘sbaseBurningdamage has increased from 20% to 40-60%.

Vyr’s Masterynow ensures thatCritical StrikeswithShock SkillsgrantChargedstatus, reducing damage taken by 25% for 5 seconds. WhileCharged, Critical Strikes have a 10% chance to arc damage to another enemy or hit the target again for 250% of the damage.Shatter‘sdamage has increased from 30% to 45%, and it no longer receives damage from itself.Warmth‘shealing from non-elites has increased from 0.5/1/1.5% to 1/2/3%, and from bosses has risen from 2/4/6% to 4/8/12%.Align the Elements‘ damage reduction from Elites cap has increased from 40% to 60%, whileMana Shield‘sdamage reduction has risen from 8% to 10%.

Legendary Aspectsupdates include an increase in theMovement Speedbonus forCharged Aspectfrom 10-20% to 15-25%, andMana Cost ReductionforAspect of Efficiencyfrom 10-25% to 35-50%.Aspect of Engulfing Flameshas seen the Burning damage to enemies below 50% Life rise from 15-30% to 30-45%.Crackling Energynow deals 40% increased damage and chains to an additional enemy withAspect of Abundant Energy.Critical HitswithLightning Spearcause Lightning to arc from it, dealing 25-55% damage to its target and up to 5 other enemies withAspect of Splintering Energy.Flame Shieldgrants unhindered movement andImmobilizesenemies you move through withAspect of Binding Embers.Ice Spikedamage has increased from 60-80% to 80-100% withAspect of the Frozen Wake, and from 60-80% to 100-120% withAspect of the Frozen Tundra (Deep Freeze).Glacial Aspectnow has 15% extraChillwithIce Spikes.Ice Armormakes youunstoppableand grants 25%Damage Reductionfor 3.5-5 seconds withSnowveiled Aspect.

Paragonupdates include a reduction in theCritical Strikebonus forBurning Instinct, which now caps at 40%, and theCritical Strike Bonusis now 1% per 20Intelligence, capping at 80%.Ceaseless Conduit’sCrackling Energydamage has been reduced and now caps at 120%.Elemental Summoner‘sdamage bonus caps at 30-60%, with increased scaling fromCold/Fire/Lightningdamage.Icefall‘sdamage withFrost Skillshas increased from 15% to 18%.Unleash Glyph‘sdamage bonus has risen from 7% to 8%, withMana Regenerationincreasing from 7% to 25%.Frigid Fate‘sdamage bonus now caps at 60%, with increased scaling fromColddamage.Searing Heat‘sdamage bonus also caps at 60%, with increased scaling fromFiredamage.

SeveralTempering Affixeshave been relocated from their previous Recipes to new Recipes within the Utility Category. This change is intended to enhance the variety and depth of options available within the Utility Category.

Additionally, items with Greater Affixes now come with an extra Tempering durability charge for each Greater Affix present. TheNatural Finessetempering affix has seen a reduction in its damage to close enemies, changing from 65%/75%/85% to 35%/45%/55%

TheSummoning Urnnow respawns after a boss is defeated, allowing players to quickly reset and face bosses repeatedly.The Beast in the Iceboss fight has been adjusted to function as a standard dungeon encounter, removing the need for a crafted sigil to enter. After defeating this boss, players in theEternal Realmcan use leftover crafted Sigils to resummon the boss without additional material costs. The boss fight area is now closer to the dungeon entrance, eliminating the need to traverse the entire dungeon.

For summoningVarshan, onlyMalignant Heartsare required now;Trembling Hands,Blackened Femurs, andGurgling Headsare no longer needed.Eternal Characterswith these items can convert them into hearts at theAlchemist. Additionally, bosses in theBoss Ladderno longer drop Rare items but instead drop extra Gold, aiming to increase the chances of acquiringMythic UniqueItems. Players can now engage with anyTormented Bossthey have materials for to seekMythic Uniques.

Tormented Bossesnow drop five times as manyBoss Materials, and their loot has been rebalanced to ensure consistency. EachTormented Bosshas five chances to drop aMythicitem with a 1.5% chance per drop, giving a total 7.5% chance forMythic Uniquedrops, which allows for multipleMythic Uniquesto drop. The cost to summon a Tormented Boss has been reduced from twoStygian Stonesto one.

The process for acquiringBaneful Heartshas been adjusted. The initial chance to obtain a Baneful Heart from aTortured Giftstarts at 15% and increases each time you fail to receive one. Once a heart is awarded, this chance resets to 15%. ForHellborneand theHelltide Assassin, the chance to drop a heart begins at 1% and increases with each failure, resetting to 1% after a heart is received.Helltide Commanderswill always drop a Baneful Heart. Additionally, aWorld Bossspawned in an activeHelltide Zonewill drop 3 Baneful Hearts.Local Eventchests now have a small chance to provide hearts upon achieving Mastery. Threat gain has been rebalanced to consistently scale with the health of the monsters defeated.

Helltide Whispersnow appear in only one subzone and will always total 10Grim Favors. The icons for these Whispers have been updated to align with other Whispers. The “Cull Demons” Whisper now includes Fallen, while “Cull Fallen” has been replaced with “Cull Cultists.”

Profane Mindcageshave returned and are guaranteed to drop fromHellborne. They can now be stacked up to 3 times and are available exclusively in theSeasonal Realm. InWorld Tiers I & II, summoning theBlood Maidennow requires only twoBaneful Hearts, down from the previous requirements. Additionally,Tortured Giftchests in World Tiers I & II now need 75Cindersto open, reduced from 100.

Resplendent Sparksawarded for defeatingTormented bossescan now be earned independently in bothHardcoreand non-Hardcore modes.Resplendent SparksandScattered Prismswill no longer be automatically picked up; however, they can now be retrieved from the lost items Stash if left on the ground.UniqueandMythic Uniqueitems are now available fromWhisper Caches,Purveyors of Curiosity, andTortured GiftsinHelltide. The likelihood of finding Mythic Unique items through non-boss sources has been increased. Additionally, the drop quality ofTreasure Goblinshas been enhanced, with the potential to drop 1-3 Legendary items and 2-6 Rare items.

Developer’s Note:If a higher number of Legendary items drop, the number of Rare items will decrease, and vice versa. For example, if 2 Legendary items drop, you will receive 4 Rare items as well.Common Ore,Herbs,Leather, andGem Fragmentswill always be dropped. InWorld Tiers III & IV, Treasure Goblins can also dropForgotten Souls.

Treasure Goblinsnow have a 10% chance inWorld Tiers I & II, 20% chance in World Tier III, and 30% chance in World Tier IV to drop 1-2Scattered Prisms. They also drop 1-2Elixirs.Golddrops have been increased significantly, with amounts ranging from 40,000 Gold at Level 1 in World Tier I to 150,000 Gold at Level 100 in World Tier IV.

TheFloating Combat Texthas been revamped for improved consistency and legibility, and new settings allow players to customize the type of floating text they wish to see. TheStatswindow now highlights when theArmor Caphas been reached and allows sections to be collapsed or expanded as needed.Mythic Unique Itemsnow feature updated visual effects and a distinct appearance in the Inventory, making them more prominent.

Legendary Aspectscan now be favorited and filtered while interacting with theOccultist. Shift-clicking a skill in the Skill tree will now add 5 points (or as many as possible) to it. Notifications for unlocking and upgrading Aspects have been improved to be more noticeable. A new setting has been added to displayHealthandResourcebars above the player character’s head. Additionally, map pins dropped by party members now show a suggested path that aligns with self-placed pins.

Helltide Chestsno longer containObolsfor this season. This follows the changes from Season 4: Loot Reborn Blessings, which previously includedObols. TheNightmare Dungeon rotationremains the same as before.World Bosseshave been made more resilient to damage. Additionally,experience rewardsfor side quests, includingPriority Quests(such as the Gem Crafting Quest) and Class Quests, have been increased.

Skills that grantImmunity, likeFlame ShieldandBlood Mist, now only trigger a cooldown after the Immunity effect ends.Crowd Controlsources have been updated: Hard Crowd Control from monsters now lasts an average of 1.5 seconds (down from 2.5 seconds), with a maximum duration capped at 2 seconds. Frequent short hard Crowd Control effects from monsters have been reworked to prevent chaining. Potions can now be used while Crowd Controlled.

Tutorial quests, including the Gem crafting quest, are now tracked account-wide for completion status. SeveralDungeonshave been streamlined with layout tweaks. AdditionalWeapon Typesare now available to more Classes: Druids can use Polearms, 1-Handed Swords, and Daggers; Necromancers can use Maces and Axes, including the Butcher’s Cleaver; Sorcerers can use 1-Handed Swords and Maces, including Azurewrath and Doombringer.

Inherent Affixeson various Weapon Types have been adjusted: Axes now have Damage Over Time instead of Damage to Healthy Enemies; Wands have Vulnerable Damage instead of Lucky Hit Chance; Scythes now offer Summoning Damage instead of Life on Kill; Staffs now provide Damage Over Time instead of Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies; Bows have Critical Strike Damage instead of Damage to Distant Enemies; Polearms have Vulnerable Damage instead of Damage to Injured Enemies; Focus and Totem offer Lucky Hit Chance instead of Cooldown Reduction.

Enchantingnow requires the legendary crafting material for the specific item slot instead of Angelbreath: Abstruse Sigils for Jewelry, Baleful Fragments for Weapons, and Coiling Wards for Armor. The character level requirement for unlockingSmoldering Ashesin the Battle Pass has been increased to prevent early access through Tier Skips.

The maximum level difference for earning base monster experience has been increased:

For example, in World Tier IV, a Level 60 player killing a Level 80 monster now receives experience appropriate for a Level 80 monster, compared to the previous system where they received experience equivalent to a Level 70 monster.

Boss Healthhas been reduced across the game:

Pit Boss damagehas been reduced by 66% overall. Shadow Pit Boss Affix attacks now apply a stacking damage debuff, which stacks up to 3 times. At the third stack, Pit Boss damage is equivalent to Loot Reborn levels. TheBandit Sharpshooter bosshas been replaced with Mother’s Judgement to reduce one-shot scenarios, providing players more opportunity to handle boss attacks.

An issue was fixed where the Screen Reader failed to identify Paragon Nodes when navigating the Paragon Board with a controller.

Fixed theMethodical Dashupgrade to reduce theCooldownofDashby the intended amount. EnsuredPuncturegeneratescombo pointscorrectly when additional resource generation is high. CorrectedRapid Fire’sbehavior withScoundrel’s Kissand theRepeating Aspect. Fixed an issue whereShadow Clonedidn’t deal damage withRapid Fire. Addressed the range limit forRapid Firewhen used withScoundrel’s Kiss. EnsuredScoundrel’s Leathersfunction properly when aCore Skillhits a non-explicitly aimed target. CorrectedForceful Arrowto make targetsVulnerableafter 3 hits instead of 2. FixedCaltropsto triggerMovement Speedfrom theAspect of Explosive Verve. Added duration display forImproved Penetrating Shoton theSkillicon. FixedVictimizeto avoid double-dipping its damage multiplier, with a compensatory buff as mentioned. Corrected theTempering affixfor bonusmovement speedper activeDark Shroudto function properly.

Fixed an issue where damage fromShatterwould double dip when multiple enemies wereFrozen.

Fixed theAspect of the Crowded Sageto calculate usingMaximum Lifeinstead of baseLife. CorrectedDamage over Timeeffects from receiving the %Damage Statbonus twice. Addressed excessive damage from theNeedleflare Aspectto bosses when hit by other monsters. Ensured theElixir of Antivenincouldn’t be active alongside otherElixirs. FixedEvadeto avoid triggeringYen’s Blessing. CorrectedElite Scorpionenemies with theTeleporter Affixto teleport properly. Restricted theHigh Velocity AspecttoRogues. Fixed items disappearing when opening manycachesat once. EnsuredStarlightworks withOverhealingeffects. MadeAspect of Frosty Stridesimprintable ontoPants. Fixed revival issues if the player trying to revive dies right before the revive channel finishes. EnsuredIncenseeffects persist after death. Addressed player getting stuck when using aTown Portaland aWaypoint, or interacting with theWorld Tierstatue simultaneously.

Fixed an issue where there was no indication on how to unlockTemperingif the player failed to pick up their first recipe. The quest now properly guides players to pick up the free recipe for unlockingTemperingif they missed their first recipe.Legendarymaterials that appeared in theLost Items Stashunder certain circumstances can now be withdrawn. Tooltips, such as those forBerserking, have been corrected to indicate whether their damage is additive or multiplicative. MultipleAspecttooltips have been updated for consistency.Classrestrictions are now displayed on manyUnique Items. Additionally, incompatibleMountarmors can no longer be selected in theStablemastermenu.

Fixed materials fromSeason of the Malignantdropping in theMalignant Burrow. Corrected the Farther Together achievement to be earned properly. Various performance, visual, and stability improvements.

All Unique items have received an update to better align them with the current design philosophy for Unique items. A visual gallery showcasing all changes can be found below.
