Digimon World: Next Order | DNA and Extra DNA Digivolve Guide

Apr. 9, 2017

Digimon World: Next Order | DNA and Extra DNA Digivolve Guide

Digimon World: Next Order | DNA and Extra DNA Digivolve Guide

You can find more walkthroughs as well as material guides and recuitment tipshere.

Rookies at Age 0, Champions at Age 4, Ultimates at Age 7 and Megas at Age 11. If you stick to the time table, you will be able to get a few more days with your Digimon to do what you wish.

(Left Digimon)

You should start with Yukimibotamon to Nyaromon to Salamon (WIS 150+, SPD 210+) to Gatomon (MP 7800, WIS 600, ≤14 Weight, ≤3 Care Mistakes, 50 Bond, 50 Discipline, 15 wins, Salamon Key Digimon, 5 Key points) to Angewomon (MP 6000, STR 600, WIS 700, SPD 500, ≤34 Weight, ≤1 Care Mistakes, 70 Bond, 70 Discipline, Gatomon Key Digimon, 7 key points)

(Right Digimon)

Meanwhile, as you are raising your left Digimon, you should be raising your right Digimon on this path. Start with Conomon to Kokomon to Lopmon (STR 50, WIS 130) to BlackGatomon (MP 4800, WIS 450, SPD 450, ≤14 Weight, 1 Care Mistake, ≤49 Discipline, 4 key points)to LadyDevimon (MP 6000, STR 600, WIS 600, SPD 600, ≤39 Weight, ≤1 Care Mistake, ≤39 Discipline, 6 key points)

Now that you have both Angewomon and LadyDevimon, head over to the Digivolution Dojo and have the right Digimon undergo the ceremony with the left. The right one will be Mastemon while the left will be a Gatomon. You must retrain Gatomon back to Angewomon; you may train Mastemon how you like. Once you have Angewomon again, it is time to get her to Mega. Train Angewomon to a Ophanimon (HP 8000, MP 2000, STA 1500, WIS 1400, SPD 1300, ≤49 Weight, 0 mistakes , 90 Bond, 90 Discipline, 8 key points)

Finally, head back to the Digivolution Dojo and Extra DNA Digivolve with Rosemon, who is in city, for both Mastemon and Ophanimon. Congrats, you will have 2 Rosemon Burst Mode.



PrimeraEspada91, or simply Primera, is a Youtube Partner & Freelance writer specializing in video game guides.