How to Fatroll to Success in Dark Souls 2 Part 2: PvP

Oct. 4, 2015

How to Fatroll to Success in Dark Souls 2 Part 2: PvP

How to Fatroll to Success in Dark Souls 2 Part 2: PvP

Please seeHow to Fat Roll To Success, Part 1: PvEfor the first entry in this heavyweight guide.

The reason I began this crazy adventure and started this whole guide was due to PVP. Fatroll builds shine in PVP, due to completely obliterating the style of play your average player is used to. Here are a few concepts to keep in mind before anything:

I could make a whole new guide just as long as the PvE guide, but I’ll just show 3 fights that I feel somewhat demonstrate the main things to consider when PVP’ing as a fatty.

It’s very easy to feel pressured when dealing with fast, quick staggering weapons that can apply massive amounts of pressure (thanks to the new poise system….well…maybe not new now….current… yes current poise system) Remember your active frames and force a trade.

It’s easy to become annoyed or impatient and make a dumb mistake. Remember, you have the same walk/run speed and are going to be tankier by nature, long fights are your friend.

This is probably the most important thing to master, as you will be using an ultra (or you should be) By learning proper spacing, baits, and how to react to different weapons and ranges you will end up controlling the flow and forcing a person into an attack they should not make.

I really do hope someone finds this interesting or useful……. and maybe runs off to make a fatroll build…. if not, oh well, behold my bread and butter playstyle that makes me happy to play!


Hunter of big weapons and bigger armor. I’m not ashamed to have bought some of my favorite games based on seeing a cool sword on the box art. I love games that make me feel emotions I wasn’t ready for or simply let me get lost in their combat.

I use the agape ring to stay at a set SM after I hit 125 ^^

Is there any reason why you stay at level 125, when SM would keep pushing you upward? Or do you use the ring to halt SM growth and remain at a set tier?

I agree with Exalus on this one. I think the build itself is more feasible for you because you have a broad understanding of how to counter each playstyle and weapon. It’s akin to someone who can dominate the game with an ultra or great class weapon. Such weapons require a high skill investment and may or may not be the best solution for the average player. Most “fat rollers” are relatively stationary and don’t have the ability to move from one area to another and I like to use the Grand Lance or the running Estoc R1 (hit and run, hit and run) against them.

Issue is when you face someone who is slightly above average, understands poise breakpoints, and can actually dodge a slow weapons weapon. You will slowly get whittled down with no way to ever hit them unless make a really obvious mistake or walk into pancakes.

It is remarkable you are able to get wins at SL125/97% burden/over 40 str when most people are least 150 if not higher. That’s a testament to your own skill and patience rather than the build if I had to pick one.