Exantra Team Launches Kickstarter Campaign for World’s First Fitness RPG App
Exantra Teamhas launched aKickstartercampaign for the world’s first fitness RPG app,Exantra World.
It can be difficult to motivate yourself to go for a run or spend time in the gym when the only “benefit” is being healthier, building muscle, higher energy levels and other such nonsense. But what if exercising granted other more meaningful benefits, such as making yourTitanin an RPG game you’re playing become more powerful? Ooh, now you’re talking!
TheExantra Teamhas done just that withExantra World. You’ll unlock in-game rewards for doing exercise, such as strengthening the combat capability of yourTitan. If they’ve actually managed to give the RPG a decent story too, it may get me out for more runs.
The campaign is currently doing well, with $10800 pledged of their $14,000 goal. There’s 24 days to go until the end of the campaign.
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I love gaming, creative writing, the theatre, anime, watching football & spending time with friends & family. I’m also a bit obsessed with superheroes.
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