Kingdom Come: Deliverance is Dungeons and No Dragons

Jan. 9, 2016

Kingdom Come: Deliverance is Dungeons and No Dragons

Kingdom Come: Deliverance is Dungeons and No Dragons

Features of the game include a Classless system that allows a player to focus on skills they wish to improve.  Stats and abilities grow through a players usage and decisions in game.  Even an NPCs reaction in a conversation can be affected by how fast or slowly a player reacts in conversation.  There is a reputation system in this game  as well as a crime system which can directly impact one’s reputation or affect an area’s economy.  The player Character seems to have a general knowledge of all weapons.  While also having needs to be met, such as eating and sleeping,  equipment degrades over time and even shows the disrepair visually, letting a player see when it is in need of repair.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance will take place in the first person perspective with a multitude of martial options, large scale battles and the world of Deliverance will be interactive.  A player character can even alter an NPCs behavior and daily routine.  Horses are not only a mode of transportation but can be used to store extra gear, can be equipped with different armor and you can engage in combat while riding.  As for the activities, many of the quests are open ended with multiple ways to complete.  They have promised branching dialogue and a step away from the cliched “go kill rats” quests in favor of interesting scenarios like solving who is behind a mass murder spree. There is also crafting, mining, fishing, cooking, and brewing, which can immerse a player for as long as they wish. The main quest will “wait” if you wish to go off the beaten path and do some exploring.

If you love RPGs and wish for more realism in a video game especially when it comes to setting, combat and horseback riding then Kingdom Come: Deliverance might be the game for you to check out. The Game will initially launch on PC, but an Xbox One and Playstation 4 version are also planned. You can access the alpha versionhere.

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Been a Gamer since I could hold an Atari joystick. A game worshipper who has enjoyed and analyzed a many Games. Always wanting more of the games I love.

It will be interesting to see how this game plays.

Glad the article generated awareness

I watched a video someone posted about this recently. Really looks interesting, an actual, authentic medieval sandbox rpg…

Sounds ambitious. I’ll need to look into this game more.

This game is really huge… Realistic needs, crafting… I want it all! And I hope my PC can handle it

Hmm, this game seems to get better and better the more I get to know about it. If my PC can handle it, I’ll probably get it.

I did not know that they went and reconstructed real castles, which sounds reaaaallly intriguing.