Lords of the Fallen Hits 1 Million Units Sold in Just 10 Days of Launch

Oct. 23, 2023

Lords of the Fallen Hits 1 Million Units Sold in Just 10 Days of Launch

Lords of the Fallen Hits 1 Million Units Sold in Just 10 Days of Launch

Latest soulslike Lords of the Fallen has now hit 1 million units sold just ten days after its launch.

One million is a big milestone for any game including Lords of the Fallen, but doing it in just ten days of launch is major. The souls-like dark fantasy title has capped off it’s launch with a hefty number of sales. The Action-RPG arrived on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series this month.

In case you missed it, the reboot of the original with the same name starts one thousand years after the first game.  This means you don’t have to have played the first game, as this is a very different setting. The visceral combat pits players against horrific beasts, towering foes and has a unique setting of tworealms. Players will get to discover the world of the living Axiom and fall into the world of dead Umbral.

The game also received some updates this week improving enemy density and just how far they can run after you with the “leashing” system. This will put a further limit on enemies hunting down players from their spawn point. Other updates include howVestigesappear inNew Game Plus. As you up the level of NG+1 more Vestiges will disappear with NG+3 having all but the main hub andAdyr’s Shrinevestige doing a disappearing act.

Crossplay was announced to be now running on both PS5 and Xbox Series players. However, PC players will need to wait until Thursday as the studio makes sure GPU levels are sound.

Lords of the Fallen is available on PC, Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X|S. Be sure to drop by ourLOTF wikifor all the latest onbosses,weapons,armorand more.


News Editor at Fextralife. Yuria is an avid PC gamer and Twitch streamer who enjoys online multi-player games and believes games should have amazing storylines not just great graphics.