Monster Hunter 101 Guide & Monster Hunter World Gamescom Gameplay Reveals

Aug. 23, 2017

Monster Hunter World Newbie Guide

Monster Hunter World Newbie Guide

You obtain quests via your “handler”, who will display optional and required quests in detail.Questsin Monster Hunter World have a time limit, and are failed if the timer runs out or if the playerfaintsa number of times. Other fail conditions are also available depending on the objective.

All quests will display trivia information about the client, and provide details on thedestination, the mainMonstersto hunt, and the rewards on offer for completion. Hunters use this information to plan ahead according to Monster weaknesses

After the quest is completed, special rewards can be obtained in addition to the ones listed originally, yielding covetedMaterials.

The Supply Box is an in-the-field restocking for your items as you arrive at the hunting destination. You have a variety of items that can be picked from here based on your storage and what you have collected among the way. Make sure to stock up!

Once you’re on the hunt, you will have to track down the beast you are after. For this, abilities such as the tracking of footprints are used. Interacting with a footprint generates a shining green trail that guides you in the direction of themonster, and is used as “breadcrumbs” to find them.

Having some ranged attacks is highly advisable, as Monsters aren’t always all by themselves. You can gatherStonesand use them to attack far-away wildlife.

Once the hunt is done, you have 1 minute before you are automatically removed from the area and returned to the world hub. You should use this time to harvestmaterialsfrom your slayed monster: these are later used for crafting,upgradesand trading.

The manner by which you defeat the Monsters plays a role on the loot you get. Wounding the animal such as tail-cutting or creating a limp on its legs can give you special rewards. There’s also some capture rewards to look forward to!

Players visit theSmithy, who can upgrade your equipment using the materials you have found and harvested in the field. Eachweaponandarmorhas upgrade paths that can be followed, and are your key to becoming a more powerful and efficientMonster Hunter.

You will also be able to create different looks for yourArmordepending on your choices during upgrades. These customizations are a significant portion of the fun of the game, and can present a difficult choice between fashion and performance!

Want to know more about Monster Hunter? Visit ourMonster Hunter World Wiki!


MMO raider by day and guide writer by night, Fex enjoys multiplatform gaming, good books and animes, and streaming with a cold beer.