Nioh Gamescom Gameplay Trailer Shows Off Upcoming Beta Demo

Aug. 17, 2016

Nioh Gamescom Gameplay Trailer Shows Off Upcoming Beta Demo

Nioh Gamescom Gameplay Trailer Shows Off Upcoming Beta Demo

Koei Tecmo has released a new trailer for Team Ninja’s upcoming action RPG,Nioh, coming to the PS4 sometime this year. The video comes as a first course for players anxiously awaiting thebeta demonext Tuesday, August 23rd. Check out the action packed 2 minutes in the video above.

Players will again have a chance to tackle the first stage from the alpha demo with a chance to earn the Mark of the Conqueror DLC. Those who cleared it in the alpha get a head start in the beta with new weapons and extra money and can jump into the new Nakatsu stage right away. Those who complete the Nakatsu stage will earn a newDLC, Mark of the Strong. Afterwards, the Twilight Mission comes available which lets players tackle either of the stages on a much more challenging difficulty with strongerenemies, new creatures and new rareitemsto earn. The demo will feature newweapons,onmyo magicandninjutsuas well as a training dojo available from the start.

Now if a new trailer and beta info isn’t enough for you, it’s gallery time:

If you didn’t get a chance to play through the alpha demo, check out ourimpressionsfrom our time with it. We also had an opportunity to sit down with lead director Fumihiko Yasuda during E3 for a revealinginterviewthat gave us some answers on what to expect fromweapons,armor, theworld, and more. We’ll be all over the beta when it drops next week, so keep checking back for more on Nioh. Check out the trailer and head down to the comments to let us know what you think.

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Editor at Fextralife. I look for the substantial in gaming and I try to connect video games to the emotions and stories they elicit. I love all things culture and history and have an odd fondness for the planet Jupiter. I think my dogs are pretty awesome too.

Hey, Ziko, welcome to the PlayStation Nation. I thought you Europeans didn’t buy Xboxes? While almost all so-called triple A games are multi-plat, there are still many console exclusive games and for my tastes the huge range of JRPGs and Japanese-developed games are why I prefer PlayStation. And the frequent quirky, or unique niche games like Journey, a masterpiece.

The alpha for Nioh was great. Fun, interesting, difficult and I didn’t experience a single glitch. The beta should be fantastic. I will tear myself from No Man’s Sky for the time-limited Nioh beta.

I only just got my PS4 about two months ago after making the switch from X1 , so I just missed out on checking out the Beta. Heard some good things from a close friend so I´m glad there´s a new demo coming up.

I love the Defy Death tagline. It gives homage to the inspiration of the Souls series, but also defines itself as something completely different and fresh, which it is and is a cheeky little jab at the overdone prepare to die marketing.

“Defy Death”

I like it! That was a really good trailer by the way, got me hyped! \0/

Awwwww yissssss

Definitely going to be playing the beta next week.