The awards event has been held in Japan since the inception of Playstation back in 1994, this year marks the 24th anniversary of the event.
It’s traditional for games that have excelled in over 500,000 copies in Japan and Asia during the past year will receive a Gold Prize. Those who have achieved over a million copies in sales will receive Platinum Prize.
A prestigious Playstation Network prize is to be given to three of the best-selling PSN games, a User’s Choice Award will be awarded to the winning number of votes made by gamers, and Indie as well as Playstation VR will have a category of their own.
If you wish to watch the award ceremony live, it will be streamed on Youtube for all to watch. The award ceremony will take place at the Grand Prince Hotel New Tanawaka in Tokyo.
News Editor at Fextralife. Yuria is an avid PC gamer and Twitch streamer who enjoys online multi-player games and believes games should have amazing storylines not just great graphics.
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