Ranking ALL 37 Crystal Tears in Elden Ring – Crystal Tears Tier List
In this Elden Ring Crystal Tear article, we are going to be ranking all of the Crystal Tears in the base game, as well as the new ones introduced in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. The rankings will be based on my personal opinion and how beneficial each one is in PvE combat. This will also be based on my experience with creating over 150 builds and using these Crystal Tears in different scenarios.
Crystal Tearsare key items in Elden Ring that can be mixed in theFlask of Wondrous Physickso that you will be able to obtain different effects. These will be kept when starting anotherjourney. You can mix a total oftwoCrystal Tears in a Flask when you visit aSite of Grace.
This Crystal Tear will give you 10% more maximum HP for 3 minutes, but it is an insignificant amount of health. The added maximum health also isn’t healed when you use this tear, requiring you to use a flask to recover it. With 99 Vigor at around 2,100 HP, it will only give an extra 210 HP, which is very underwhelming. If its boost was doubled, it could definitely be a much better tear.
Drinking this concoction will cause you to explode in a Holy explosion after 3.2 seconds, dealing 800 Holy damage to enemies and 300 flat damage to yourself. Since you can acquire twoRuptured Crystal Tears, you can use both simultaneously to deal double damage to yourself and to the enemies, while also doubling the explosion radius. It’s pretty fun to one-shot low-level bosses like theBloodhound Knight, but it’s useless in the late game even after buffing your Holy damage.
This is a new Crystal Tear that has been added with the SotE DLC, and it is absolutely terrible. It will regenerate 0.75% of your max HP for each it against enemies for 45 seconds. For builds that have around 1,800 HP, it will only be 13 HP recovered per hit, which is pretty insignificant. I tested this new Crystal Tear on theRegalia of EochaidandHand of Maleniabuilds, and it was practically worthless. It doesn’t proc if the attacks were too fast, and it recovered close to nothing. If you are interested in a lifesteal build, you should check out ourVampiric Knightbuild instead.
This is another new Crystal Tear released with the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. This will slowly restore the HP of nearby allies for 3 minutes. It sounds good, but it’s actually terrible with its short range. It also heals about the same amount as theCrimsonburst Crystal Tear, which is around 7 HP per second.
This Crystal Tear can’t really be ranked since it has no real purpose outside of the fight withMohg, Lord of Blood. When Mohg enters 2nd phase, he normally does 3 hits of heavy bleed damage to the player. You can use it before the boss fight, but it won’t work on any otherBleedspells that he does or anything else in the game. It is, however, really good to use in this boss fight as you can one-shot him with some builds by attacking him during the curse effect.
Drinking it will boost all your resistances by 90 for 3 minutes and cleanses your current status build-up. It can be helpful when fighting bosses that inflict status effects such as Mohg’s hemorrhage or Rykard’s poison pool, since it also increases your resistances after cleansing the status effect. However, there are only a few bosses that this can be useful on.
This Crystal Tear lasts a whole 3 minutes upon drinking it, which will save your runes from being lost on death. This is useful if you are saving runes to use after a boss fight, since it lasts for 3 minutes. However, this won’t work ifDeath Blighttriggers on you. You can also find a use for this during exploration, for moments when you’re thinking whether a fall is fatal or not.
This is an early-game Tear that will regenerate half of your total FP. You can obtain two copies of this fromErdtree Avatars, which you can stack to completely restore your FP. This is good early on when you don’t have a lot of flasks, and also if you are using a build with highMind.
As with theCerulean Crystal Tear, it will regenerate half of your total HP. You can also stack this with anotherCrimson Crystal Tearso your health can be fully recovered.
This will heal you for 7 HP per second for 3 minutes, giving you a total of 1,260 HP recovered. This heals more than a fully upgradedFlask of Crimson Tears, and it doesn’t need to be used in the middle of a boss fight, making it valuable. However, it is a slow heal which doesn’t heal a full health bar in the endgame.
These attribute Crystal Tears are quite mediocre. There are a total of four (Strength,Dexterity,Intelligence,Faith) Knot Tears that will boost an attribute by 10 for 3 minutes, giving you up to 20 extra levels. It can give you a decent damage boost in the early game, but these Tears become useless once you have reached a damage softcap. These will also not allow you to go past 99 in any attribute.
This is an unfortunately mediocre Tear, as its concept is good. It temporarily buffs your Poise, which prevents stagger from certain damage levels. However, it only lasts for 10 seconds, making it worthless. You can use it for 2 or 3 casts of anyAsh of Warwithout staggering, but that would be it. Also, many attacks can still go through if you aren’t running a highPoisebuild.
This will restore 30% of your max HP when you fall below 21% HP, saving you in a pinch when you are left with a slither of HP while fighting a boss. You can use this whenever you want since this has a 3-minute duration. It won’t save you from death, however, if you get to 0 HP.
This is a good but very situational Crystal Tear. It’s more of a PvP Tear since it renders you immune to all elemental attacks, healing you for 5% of your max HP when hit for a total duration of 15 seconds. This is great forRennala, since this allows you to face tankComet Azurand all her spells for 15 seconds. It also works great against any other bosses that do elemental damage. However, physical damage is not regenerated at all, and its low duration makes it viable only in specific situations.
This Crystal Tear will give you +15% maximum stamina for 3 minutes, which is pretty noticeable. It also basically lasts for a boss fight, and stacks with theViridian Amber Medallion, making it worthwhile to use for any build.
This is good for RL1 runs and squishy builds, as this gives you a 90% damage negation for one instance. This can block almost anything, likeMalenia’sScarlet AeoniaorRadahn’smeteor attack. However, it’s only for one hit, so it is a situation Crystal Tear.
The Viridian Hidden Tear, a new Crystal Tear added with the Shadow of the Erdtree expansion, removes stamina consumption for 15 seconds. It can be paired with theCerulean Hidden Tearfor infiniteAshes of Warfor 10 seconds. Unfortunately, there aren’t a lot of Ashes of War that heavily consume stamina. TheUnending Dancefrom theDancing Blade of Ranahis a good contender for this, but it doesn’t really need too much stamina as its consumption is low. This Crystal Tear can be somewhat useful for Spear poke builds, or for spammingGreatswordattacks with high Poise against bosses.
Also a new Crystal Tear from the expansion, this Crystal Tear regenerates 5 FP per hit, lasting for 45 seconds. It also works withAshes of War. The flat 5 FP regeneration makes this Crystal Tear much better than itsCrimson-Sapping Cracked Tearcounterpart. This makes it regenerate FP cost for multi-strike Ashes of War, making it more valuable than the tiny healing that the Crimson-Sapping Cracked Tear offers. However, it won’t work for ranged attacks.
Another new Crystal Tear from the Shadow of the Erdtree expansion, this boosts your Spirit Ash’s overall damage by 7.5% for 3 minutes, which is good enough to be useful for builds specializing in Spirit Ashes. You can stack this withRallying Standardto get around 29% damage boost, which is a nice overall damage boost. The effect will activate whether you drink it before or after summoning, so it is recommended to drink this before entering boss arenas, then using Rallying Standard after summoning your Spirit Ash.
This Crystal Tear increases all damage negation by 15% for 3 minutes. It will stack with talismans likeDragoncrest Greatshield Talismanfor 35% physical negation, and it can also go very far with other items and armor. However, damage negation is multiplicative, so stacking won’t work well with this Crystal Tear if you are using it with other sources of damage negation.
The four variants (Magic,Lightning,Flame,Holy) will boost your damage output for the element by 20% and will also stack with any Scorpion Charms or other items to get an even greater bonus. The Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear is definitely the best one since there are so many damage sources for magic, like spells, incantations, weapon infusions, ice attacks, and gravity attacks.
This is fantastic for Fire builds, as it will coat nearby enemies in oil for 1 minute, increasing the Fire damage dealt to them by 20%. You can also get this effect by chucking oil pots at enemies, but this flask applies that automatically, which you can use with the newSpear of the Impaler buildthat we have.
This only lasts for 30 seconds, but it gives you a massive +30% stance damage bonus, which can take out bosses really quickly. I would recommend using this for phase 2 of bosses or in the middle of the fight rather than using it early on, since you may waste its duration when dodge rolling. Also, if you have a highPoisebuild, you can just trade hits while using this.
When used, this will give you a 3-minute buff that boosts your charged attack damage by 15%, which is good for a few builds that use heavy weapons. You can also stack this with theAxe Talismanto get around 25% increase in charged attack damage. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work on sorceries, incantations, or Ashes of War, but this is still a good Crystal Tear to use.
This is a fantastic and underrated Crystal Tear. This will improve your max equip load by 450% for 3 minutes, which is a massive increase that allows you to wear all the heaviest gear in the game with medium load, or normal load with light rolling. If you run a heavy build, this saves you from having to spend 70 levels onEndurance. You can also pair this withVerdigris Discusfor even more defense for your build.
TheWindy Crystal Tearenhances dodge rolling for 3 minutes, making its timing much more forgiving. Light and medium rolls will have a longer invulnerability duration of 19%, and heavy rolls will be increased by 25%. These will correlate to 5 and 6 extra invincibility frames on 60 FPS, which is quite noticeable and can almost feel like cheating. However, this will reduce your damage negation by 15%, so you will be taking more damage in exchange.
This Crystal Tear will enhance your spontaneous guard, which means you take no physical damage, block 75% of elemental damage, and decrease stamina damage by 65% when you guard at the exact time that the enemy hits you. This also has a hidden mechanic wherein it buffs guard counters to insane levels. Successfully guarding will give you 1 hidden stack, which will give you 20% extra damage on guard counters for 5 seconds. You can stack this up to 4 times for an 80% damage boost on guard counters.
Using this Crystal Tear will increase your overall damage by 20% for 3 minutes, which is significant on basically every build in the game. However, you lose a little bit of HP every second, roughly 25 HP depending on your max health. For a 2,000 HP character, this means that you will run out of health in 80 seconds, making this a risky Tear to use. It’s great for rushing down bosses, but it’s not good for bosses where you need to play patiently.
Personally, this is the best Crystal Tear as this works well for basically any build. It increases stamina recovery by 15 per second for 3 minutes, which is extremely noticeable during boss fights. It is much better than theGreenspill Crystal Tear, and it also stacks with theGreen Turtle Talismanor theTwo-Headed Turtle Talisman.
This is another 3-minute buff that will make your consecutive attacks grow stronger. From 9%, 13%, to 20%, with a maximum of 1.5 seconds between each attack. A lot of theAshes of Warin this game do a lot of hits at once while also using theRotten Winged Sword Insigniafor the bonus damage. This will stack up with it, which leads to some ridiculous damage in the right builds. However, this won’t work with any sorcery or incantation.
It got nerfed from 15 seconds down to 10 seconds, but it still is one of the best Crystal Tears in the game. If you’re a mage, you can just hold down the spells for massive damage when using this Tear, such as theComet Azuror theMeteorite of Astel. It’s good for spells and incantations in general, since you can dish out massive damage to a boss without having to pause for a drink in between spells.
If you enjoyed thisCrystal Tears Tier List, be sure to check out our other guides. Also, check out our new guides, insights, and articles on the Elden RingShadow of the ErdtreeDLC.
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