Riku's new Kingdom Hearts 3 look & Kingdom Hearts 2 Figures

Feb. 16, 2018

Riku’s new Kingdom Hearts 3 look & Kingdom Hearts 2 Figures

Riku’s new Kingdom Hearts 3 look & Kingdom Hearts 2 Figures

Square Enixhas revealedRiku’snewKingdom Hearts 3look on their Twitter page. And there’s already a lovely lookingBring Artsfigure of it that you can buy. They’ve also added photos of some newKingdom Hearts 2Bring Arts figures.

First up, here’s theRikuKingdom Hearts 3figure. I really like the newKeyblade. His new jacket’s pretty cool too.

Next up, here is the first of the two newSoraBring Arts figures. It is called “Sora Nightmare Town Version.”

The last of the newKingdom Heartsfigures isSora Christmas Town Version.

They have also added a photo of a newChocobomoney pouch that you can buy to celebrateFinal Fantasy‘s 30th Anniversary. Here it is:

All of these items are available to order fromSquare Enix‘s official merchandise page.

So, did you like this article? If so, you could read theKingdom Hearts Record Keeper Event & New Kingdom Hearts Trailerarticle next. Alternatively, you could read theKingdom Hearts 3 – Everything We Knowarticle instead.


I love gaming, creative writing, the theatre, anime, watching football & spending time with friends & family. I’m also a bit obsessed with superheroes.