Ring of Shadow Guide: The Tower of Orthanc Raid

Aug. 28, 2013

Ring of Shadow Guide: The Tower of Orthanc Raid

Ring of Shadow Guide: The Tower of Orthanc Raid

Bukot is somewhat more challenging than the others, as it requires the raid to coordinate moreso than on other wings. Once the mechanics are understood, it is a simple boss.

Our method for this boss requires two tank and two designated target assists: melee and ranged.

Debuffs, Roots and Clouds

The bubbles:

Bukotuses morale bubbles. It is up to the group to dps through them or conserve power and attack upon expire. This is a good time for loremasters to steal power.

A video of a T1 clear below:

Bukotis a very different boss inRing of ShadowT2 mode. You should install the Alerter Plugin to make it easier.  The challenge is to complete the encounter in under 5 minutes.

Bukothas 4 add waves that come at different health points and can thus be controlled. Each wave has a combination of Glooms, Defilers and Ravagers. Your boss tank will need to follow a pattern to move the boss out of the purple clouds BEFORE the black clouds spawn, so that the group is not caught on the slows and dots. See the following diagram for wave spawn locations and tanking pattern:

The waves will spawn respective to the boss’s health. Your objective is to kill the lights as fast as possible, followed by any roots that may be active, then defilers if unmezzed or ravager then defiler if mezzed. The second tank will have to pick up and hold adds to a side, which can be very challenging for the heals. Removing corruptions from the Ravagers and overall good group coordination and communication will make this fight easier. Make smart use of your Loremaster and Burglar/s CC and damage debuffs and buffs.

Wave 1 80%Kill all

Wave 2 65%Kill 3/5

Wave 3 45%Kill 3/5

Wave 4 35%Kill 2/5

A video of a clear

Go to the otherTower of Orthancwings:

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MMO raider by day and guide writer by night, Fex enjoys multiplatform gaming, good books and animes, and streaming with a cold beer.

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