Risk of Rain 2 Will Get A Seekers of the Storm Expansion; Hostile Worlds Mobile Game Announced

Nov. 9, 2023

Risk of Rain 2 Will Get A Seekers of the Storm Expansion; Hostile Worlds Mobile Game Announced

Risk of Rain 2 Will Get A Seekers of the Storm Expansion; Hostile Worlds Mobile Game Announced

The shooter game action roguelike Risk of Rain 2 will be gaining a new expansion Seekers of the Storm with the first day and night system. A mobile spinoff Action-RPG Risk of Rain: Hostile Worlds also announced.

Risk of Rain 2 will be continuing its journey with a brand new expansion heading to the game called Seekers of the Storm. Last year, the shooterroguelikereceived the Survivors of the Void expansion which introduced new survivors and a number of new items. The expansion has also now just been released on platforms Xbox One, PS4 and Switch which arrives alongside a free console update. Gearbox Games has announced the next expansion will also introduce further survivors, new levels, new maps and more. A new mobile Risk of Rain: Hostile Worlds will also be coming to iOS and Android.

The DLC also gains an interesting new enemy called The Fable Son, which holds a connection with some deep Risk of Rain lore. Seekers of the Storm gives a new ending to the game, ending with the new boss fight rather than the previous one Mithrix. The expansion will also be the first to introduce day and night stages. Night versions will certainly add more replayability as it promises players “props specific to the night version” plus “new areas that players don’t get access to” in the day version. No release window has been announced for the new expansion yet but these look like some fun additions to the game.

Gearbox also announced another title based on the Risk of Rain universe but this time aimed a mobile gamers. Risk of Rain: Hostile Worlds is a free-to-playAction RPGdeveloped by Frima coming iOS and Android. This one also didn’t get a release date but gave a first look at the “energetic bullet hell roguelike”. The game will feature isometric gameplay where you will grow your Survivor collection and head off on a dangerous journey through the Versanto System.

Although a spinoff of the main series, there will be plenty of familiar characters, monsters and items that ROR fans will recognise, as well as new ones. The story will also run canon with the Risk of Rain universe. The game will be free to play with live service updates. Players will also be able to swap survivors mid-run which should make for some fun change-ups.

It’s a busy time for the franchise asRisk of Rain Returnsrecently released under developer Hopoo Games and publisher Gearbox Publishing. It’s great that the universe is growing not only with new content but further ways to play with a mobile title underway.

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News Editor at Fextralife. Yuria is an avid PC gamer and Twitch streamer who enjoys online multi-player games and believes games should have amazing storylines not just great graphics.