Rumor: Mass Effect Andromeda Not Receiving Single Player DLC
It seems thatMass Effect Andromedais not going to be receiving any single playerDLC, according to several sources as reported byKotaku. This will make it the first Mass Effect game to not receive any post launch DLC.
According to the sources the decision was reached due to the mixed critical reception of the game which was plagued by complaints of bugs, graphical hiccups and other inconsistencies. Our ownreviewof the game was uneven but we ultimately found it a fun experience, scoring it a 7.5/10. According to the report, most of the studio has moved on to other projects within BioWare.
During E3, BioWare revealed their new space open-world gameAnthem, and this week we learned that aDragon Ageproject is in the worksso the studio is certainly not lacking in things to do. Thoughts on the reports? We’ll be sure to update whenEAandBioWaregive official word on that matter, so keep checking back.
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Editor at Fextralife. I look for the substantial in gaming and I try to connect video games to the emotions and stories they elicit. I love all things culture and history and have an odd fondness for the planet Jupiter. I think my dogs are pretty awesome too.
IGN doesn’t get it either. Their “Members of BioWare also shot down these cancellation rumors” says enough. Those “members” where BSN and Reddit. And BW responded to that. Not the other way around. I really dislike the “professional” press when they have no idea what has happened and do not even try to bother what has happened.
And Kotaku now states that “[…] I’ve confirmed the news with three sources familiar with the company’s plans, all of whom spoke anonymously so as not to jeopardize their careers”. Once again, those sources may be from within BW, but “familiar with” sounds more like external sources. What’s more is that Kotaku felt the need to publish this after BSN and Reddit smelled the smoke, so Kotaku did have to publish something to save its face.
None of this is proof that there will be DLC, but BW up until now has been silent about it. Let’s see what the future brings.
“A report from Kotaku, however, posted following EA’s denouncement of Sinclari’s false post claims that, separate from the Sinclair statement, sources told Kotaku that Andromeda will not see any single-player DLC.
When asked for comment regarding the new report, a representative for EA told IGN the company has nothing to announce about DLC at this time.”
Not saying it’s credible, but EA being silent about the topic isn’t a good sign.
According to a leak on Amazon it looks like an Andromeda book is likely to appear in the fall (5th of December). That matches the period stated by the publisher, Titan Books. With that chances of a DLC are likely to increase, given how things worked earlier with some books of a BW franchise.
The “news” from Kotaku a while back that their would be no DLC coincided with statements of “Sinclair Networks” about the game.
It appears that the news about “Sinclair Networks” working on patches and DLC was fake. That company doesn’t exist. BSN and Reddit found that out. In a response BW also stated that they have never heard of them.
I wonder what “sources” Kataku has this time.
It would be sad if there was nothing to tie the loose ends highlighted in the Main story, but it is not crucial. But I reject the rumors and gossip of this, as they appear and spread seemingly due to bias. The first article from the same mag may have also mentioned hiatus, and others made it seem that ME:A was done. That was a couple of patches ago. I hope that the Quarian Ark gets to see the light of day.
how many people here even own Andromeda?