Sony Commits to Releasing Major Single-Player Games Annually

Nov. 16, 2024

Sony Commits to Releasing Major Single-Player Games Annually

Sony Commits to Releasing Major Single-Player Games Annually

Sonyhas reaffirmed its commitment to major single-player games, as expressed by Sadahiko Hayakawa of Sony in a meeting with the company’s investors.

While it doesn’t yet have a release date, Insomniac Games is currently working onMarvel’s Wolverine(and quite possibly on a thirdMarvel’s Spider-Maninstallment, though unannounced).

Furthermore, it remains to be seen what studios like Sony Santa Monica, Naughty Dog, Bluepoint Games, Housemarque, Guerrilla Games, and Media Molecule are working on, suggesting that PlayStation studios will continue to deliver major single-player games for years to come.

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