Square Enix streaming Final Fantasy XV gameplay on February 20th

Feb. 14, 2015

Square Enix streaming Final Fantasy XV gameplay on February 20th

Square Enix streaming Final Fantasy XV gameplay on February 20th

Square Enix will be streaming Final Fantasy XV gameplay on their Active Time Report show, which is scheduled for February 20th and will be broadcast on Square Enix Japan’s Youtube and NicoNico channels (at 20:00 JST.) Director Hajime Tabata will be demonstrating the control scheme for Final Fantasy XV in addition to providing a walk-through of the upcoming playable demo for Final Fantasy XV, Episode Duscae.

The stream will be a visual manual and guide for the upcoming demo, Episode Duscae which will be available to players who have pre-ordered Final Fantasy Type-0 HD on March 17th. More details on Episode Duscae can be foundhere.


Expect a lot of systems from XII to return. Gambits are going to be included and there have been hints of other things like Hunts.

Exploration is definitely going to be a central theme judging by the sheer amount of times they’ve mention it in interviews and streams. I think they’ve taken the criticism of XIII to heart even though this is mostly a different dev team.

Considering all of my favorite FF titles are in that list, with 10 (despite tidus dragging it down) being the best in the series (imo,) that seems like a good sign.

There was plenty of relatively light hearted stuff in 10-2, and it also had the “group of buddies doing stuff” thing going for it, and while it was in specific segments, 7 and 8 did comedy as well.

So if that trend holds, I don’t think there is anything to worry about on that front.

I like the look of the battle system. If they don’t exploit the design to tell less cutscene locked stories it will seem like a waste though. Not that it shouldn’t have cutscenes, and I like the glorified movie style they’ve been using, but it works best when the mechanics don’t support a more open style, imo.

Unless they do what 12 did and almost completely seperate story and combat, but use the environment/bestiary to flesh out the world. That works too.

The stream is now over. The full stream however is available both in the article and on the thread. I will also keep you all up to date with both Final Fantasy XV and Episode Duscae news with now only less than a month to go until the demo is available.


[BBvideo 560,340]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWO0mwafBJI#t=625[/BBvideo]

Now live.

Saying that I have really enjoyed Yaeko Sato’s work in XIV especially in terms of comedic writing and hints of playfulness in general which has been lacking in many of the more recent titles.

Cool. I’m (very cautiously) excited.

It can’t be worse that 12 or the 13’s, story wise (they both had an interesting premise they just ruined with really crappy execution,) and 4/7/8/9/10/10-2 (No, I’m not a fan of 6) have built a lot of good will over the years, so I’ll give it a shot.

Just a reminder that this is being streamed tomorrow.