The Elder Scrolls Legends Previews New Patch

Sep. 30, 2016

The Elder Scrolls Legends Previews New Patch

The Elder Scrolls Legends Previews New Patch

TheElder Scrolls Legendshaspreviewedsome changes in an upcoming patch to the card game set in the Elder Scrolls universe. Developer Dire Wolf Digital has been closely watching the meta game unfold (see Cas wiping people with his uber decks) and is taking advantage of the digital platform to make needed changes. Here’s a preview of what the patch will tweak.

They’ve noticed thatIntelligenceandAgilityclasses(see theBlue Marshal Deckwe built) have the highest win rates, andStrengthclasses the lowest so they’re making some revisions to card rarity to balance the draw.

The constructed format is getting off a little easier with just a single card change.

We’ll be sure to bring the full bug fix notes on thewikiwhen the patch releases. We’ve been streaming the game this week and have been enjoying it. Check out last night’s round of battles:

The Elder Scrolls Legends is in open beta currently on PC and will release sometime this year for PC and iOS/Android. Give it a try if you haven’t and let us know what you think about it in the comments!

Visit theElder Scrolls Legends Wiki

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Editor at Fextralife. I look for the substantial in gaming and I try to connect video games to the emotions and stories they elicit. I love all things culture and history and have an odd fondness for the planet Jupiter. I think my dogs are pretty awesome too.

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