The Elder Scrolls Legends Reveals New Monthly Card Reward
The newmonthly cardreward forThe Elder Scrolls Legendshas been revealed today by Bethesda. The card is calledHist Groveand is anEndurance cardthat is part of theArgonianraceofcards. The monthly card rewards are a bonus for ranking up during the monthly seasons of the game. The better you perform in battle, the higher your rank goes and the more potential copies of the month’s card you can win.
Hist Groveitself is a doozy of a card, which works very well with the Endurance archetype of gathering lots of magicka in order to play some beefy creatures. The card boosts your max magicka by 1 when played, taking you from a max of 12 to 13.
To trigger its second ability you’ll have to get other magicka boosting cards in on the action such asHist SpeakerandTree Minderin order to achieve 15 magicka. This is also going to mean a long drawn out battle of attrition to get to that point, but when you do get there you’ll be able to sacrifice the card to summon 2 massiveSwamp Leviathansin each lane! Not a bad finisher to look forward to as the match reaches its conclusion.
Last month’s reward for players was the sneakySmuggler’s Haul. The Elder Scrolls Legends is in open beta on PC right now and is free to play with the option to buy new card packs. It features a variety of game modes for both solo and competitive play. The game is slated to have it’s official release sometime later this year on PC and iOS. Keep checking back for more updates on its development and new card reveals!
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