The Surge & Lords Of The Fallen On SALE Up To 60% Off!

Oct. 14, 2017

The Surge & Lords Of The Fallen On SALE Up To 60% Off!

The Surge & Lords Of The Fallen On SALE Up To 60% Off!

Sony’s PlayStation Store has thrown together a “Competition Flash Sale” on a bunch of awesome games, as well as movies with discounts of up to60% off.

Among the plethora of titles in the pile are Deck13’s mecha-souls:The Surgefor$29.99,Lords of the Fallenfor$4.99, andLords of the Fallen: Complete Editionfor$7.49.

The rest of the sale includes a mixture of PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita titles of varying genres, some of which foster the spirit of “competition” such as:

You can go over to thislinkto check out the full list, and you can claim your games with these offers from now up untilOctober 16at8am PT.

If you’re gettingThe Surge,be sure to also grab theFREE“Fire & Ice Weapon Pack”DLC, and you cancheck out our guideif you need help in finding them. You can also check out ourreview onLords of the Fallento know what you’re getting into.

Visit theLords of the Fallenwiki

VisitThe Surgewiki

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They are both quite fun games and that’s a great deal for them

Saw this though I managed to snag The Surge for 25 dollars off Steam yesterday. I don’t know if it was a brief sale or if it had been going on for awhile but a few hours later The Surge was back to being full price on Steam so yeah, lucky me.