The Witcher 3 Patch 1.10 Detailed

Oct. 9, 2015

The Witcher 3 Patch 1.10 Detailed

The Witcher 3 Patch 1.10 Detailed

There are some notable changes coming in 1.10, across every conceivable area of the game like Quests, UI, gameplay, graphics and audio as well as the promisedexpanded romance options. Many of the changes are likely to prepare the game’s infrastructure for the expansion as well as polishing up the complete experience for fans jumping into the game for the first time.

Someone’s been keeping a detailed 2Do list at CD Projekt Red! We’ll try and keep up with their work ethic with morenewsand theWitcher 3 Wiki.

● Adds music after horse race in quest titled Ciri’s Story: The Race.● Fixes issue whereby ambient music from surroundings of Kaer Muire could overrideother music.● Fixes lack of music if autosave made before fight against pirates was loaded duringquest titled Destination: Skellige.● Adds segments to conversations with Triss and Yen before battle at Kaer Morhen.● Adds segements to conversation with Ciri in quest titled Payback.● Adds segments to conversation with Triss in quest titled On Thin Ice.● Fixes issue whereby forktail could screech endlessly if ignited with the Igni Sign Igniand then slashed with a sword.● Fixes issue entailing unintended loop in combat music during first musical sequencein New Game + mode.

● Fixes issues whereby New Game + would not start correctly from certain save files.

● Fixes rare instances of imcorrect Stamina regeneration.● Fixes rare issue whereby player character movement remained accelerated afterplayer used crossbow, cast bombs or engaged in sword combat on horseback.● Fixes incorrect weight calculaction in Inventory.● Fixes rare issue whereby slow­motion effect of Caranthir’s spell was not lifted fromplayer character after the stipulated time.● Fixes issue with occasional malfunction of Superior Thunderbolt potion.● Fixes issue whereby Firestream Alternate Sign Mode skill could be used despite notbeing equipped in Character Development panel.● Fixes issue whereby Roach would behave incorrectly during horse race in quest titledTo Bait a Forktail…● Fixes rare issue whereby Toxicity regeneration was blocked if player drank WaterHag decoction.● Crafting diagrams in merchant inventories now include item level information inaddition to basic information about craftable item.● Fixes color of ‘Required level’ as displayed in merchant inventories and Stash.Display is now same as in Inventory. If player level is insufficient for item, ‘Requiredlevel’ is red.● Introduces modification whereby potions and bombs can no longer be sold.● Fixes assorted issues with quest and enemy scaling in New Game + mode.● Introduces multiple improvements in gwent, including option to choose one of threedifficulty levels. To set option, go to Options>Game.● Introduces multiple game balance improvements in New Game + mode.● Modifies diagram for Enhanced Legendary Wolven Gauntlets, now craftable withoutGriffin Gauntlets.● Fixes issue whereby Toxicity gain from decoctions was not acurately reflected incharacter statistics.● Fixes issue whereby high Toxicity level could block exploration when this involved aladder or stepping onto a boat.● Introduces enhancement whereby color of rune­enchanted swords now depends onrunes used.● Fixes rare issue with incorrect display of interaction prompts when appoachingladders.● Fixes issue whereby Geralt remained attached to sinking boat when aimingcrossbow.● Fixes rare issue whereby player character in combat mode would be propelled intothe air when stepping on boat tiller.● Fixes rare issue entailing Wild Hunt minions running in circles during quest titled TheBattle of Kaer Morhen.● Fixes issue whereby ifrits were not invulnerable to all variants of Igni Sign.● Improves game balance for Katakan monster.● Improves balance for Death March difficulty.● Improves in­game information for Card Collector achievement ­ adds indicators toshow missing cards.● Fixes incorrect loot spawning on hens and geese.● Fixes issue whereby players could not view Novigrad region map while in Velen andthus could not use Novigrad fast travel points.● Fixes issue with undesirable checkpoint creation occurring if player acquired questsfrom notice board mid way through botchling story thread.● Fixes issue with location for boss fight against Nithral that could result in NPC beingimmobilized.● Fixes issue whereby tattoo from The Witcher 2 would appear in The Witcher 3 even ifplayer completed quest culminating with its removal.● Fixes issue whereby alternate Yrden enabled Sign to be cast multiple times usingspecific talent.● Removes ability to kill NPCs (including quest NPCs) using Dragon’s Dream bomb.● Fixes issue whereby hostile NPCs could cause Geralt to become locked in combatmode.● Fixes issue whereby Greater Perun Runestone disabled Adrenaline Gain ability forsteel and silver Mastercrafted Ursine Swords.● Fixes issue whereby Geralt could get trapped in boatwreck in Velen.● Fixes rare issue involving delay in appearance of interaction component.● Fixes rare issue of missing soothsayer during quest titled Gwent: Velen Players.● Fixes problems with player character movement following conversation withherbalists near Cunny of the Goose tavern.● Fixes issue whereby loot bag could float in air if dropped while Geralt was in midair,i.e., jumping.● Fixes issue whereby Yrden with elevated Sign intensity would cause foes to freeze.● Fixes issue whereby Item Info keyboard shortcut I would close Shop screen insteadof opening Item Info screen.● Fixes incorrect wyvern behavior in specific arena.● Fixes issue whereby player could not hand Philippa’s crystal to Yen at Kaer Morhen.● Fixes issue whereby previously felled NPCs would be resurrected and die again onscreen during conversation following combat.● Fixes issue whereby numerous treasure hunt map icons were missing from gamemap.● Fixes issue whereby image of Geralt was placed incorrectly if Inventory was openedwhile sailing.● Fixes issue whereby Achievements did not work correctly on game patched toversion 1.07 when played from save created from version 1.06.● Fixes issue whereby item statistics could differ if item was purchased from merchant.● Fixes balance issue for quest titled The Nithing played in New Game + mode.● Fixes issue whereby player character movement could appear accelerated ordecelerated after slow­motion sequences, e.g., while horseback riding.● Fixes issue where buffs from consumption of food items were not cumulative.● Fixes issue whereby smith at Mulbrydale incorrectly offered Superior Griffin ArmorUpgrade Schematic.● Fixes issue whereby crypt in game White Orchard could be locked permanently,thereby blocking progression of Scavenger Hunt: Viper School Gear.● Fixes balance issue in New Game + mode adversely affecting fight involving Cerysduring quest titled King’s Gambit.● Fixes issue whereby Mutagen tutorial did not check if player possessed mutagens.● Fixes issue that could render Battlefield Loot POI impossible to complete.● Fixes incorrect functionality of Whirl skill.● Fixes issue whereby decoy gwent card could leave residual value on game board.● Fixes assorted issues with Roche’s default conversation, including unintendeddisabling of dialogue choices, of option to play cards, or of conversation as a wholeupon completion of main game.● Fixes issue whereby parries were not correctly taken into account during CombatTutorial.● Fixes issue whereby Reset to Default in Key Bindings did not take effect until gamewas reloaded.● Fixes issue whereby missing ingredients were not updated on pinned alchemyformulae.● Fixes issue with Philippa’s level in quest titled Blindingly Obvious in New Game +mode.● Fixes issue whereby Inventory could be accessed at start of New Game + thoughaccess was disabled by quest.● Fixes issue whereby arachas boss remained unresponsive for some time after lastcheckpoint was loaded before fight.● Fixes issue whereby exclamation point could remain over Zoltan’s head thorughoutquest titled The Battle of Kaer Morhen.● Fixes issue where guard leading Geralt to Rosa’s cellar could begin floating in the airupon reaching set destination.● Fixes issue whereby Ciri could leave intended gameplay area and become blockedduring quest titled Ciri’s Story: Breakneck Speed.● Fixes issue whereby deserters near Person in Distress were invincible.● Fixes issue whereby using Igni against foes significantly increased their Staminaregeneration rate.● Fixes issue whereby Stash tutorial was unintentionally displayed when starting newgame.● Adds missing name of mutagen obtained by looting noonwraith dilled during questtitled Contract: Devil by the Well.● Fixes issue whereby fiend prowling southern reaches of Crookback Bog respawnedeach time Geralt meditated.● Fixes issue whereby Ruined Inn in Skellige, intended to be an abandoned site, waspopulated before liberation.● Fixes issue where player could be trapped between certain buildings in Oxenfurt.● Fixes issue in New Game + mode whereby climbing was impossible due to questtitled Contract: The Creature from Oxenfurt Forest.

● Fixes incorrect operation of DLC: New Finisher Animations subsequent to installationof Patch 1.08.

● Fixes manifest file for game engine EXE to prevent game from running in WindowsVista compatibility mode.

● Introduces multiple fixes and improvements in HUD.● Fixes “Track Quest” button prompt, which occasionally was incorrectly displayedfollowing “New Quest” notification.● Introduces multiple changes in GUI for Alchemy and Crafting.● Fixes incorrect display of save file names when game language setting differed fromsystem region and language settings.● Fixes issue with crafting category display in GUI.● Fixes multiple issues with HUD buff/debuff display formatting.● Fixes instances of background text flickering when selected books were opened.● Fixes issue whereby Slow/Reverse Boat was not bound to Movement­Down key.● Fixes issue entailing clipping of lettering displayed with upscaled fonts in certainlanguages.● Alters pop­up message displayed when players choose to travel to Isle of Mists ­updated for New Game +.● Fixes Inventory sorting order for potions, bombs, oils, food, etc.● Fixes issue where Dismantle pop­up was not properly localized in all languages.● Fixes issue where abandoned settlement lacked appropriate marker.● Fixes issue whereby nonfunctioning icons were displayed in DLC list.● Fixes nonfunctioning icon in New Game + menu.● Adds option to show/hide HUD/Mini­map using single button/click.● Fixes issue whereby unlocalized string appeared in place of recommended levelnumber in pop­up message displayed upon entry to Isle of Mists.● Fixes issue whereby on mouse and keyboard configurations an invalid character wasdisplayed alongside the Track Quest message when said functionality was notbound.● Fixes mouse and keyboard UI issue encountered on configurations featuring mouse,keyboard and controller.● Fixes issue whereby double­click on dialogue choice would cause first dialogue lineafter choice to be skipped.

● Fixes issue with crashes occurring on hardware configurations incorporating AMDRadeon R9 285 cards.● Fixes game freeze occuring when players alt­tabbed out of game in fullscreen modewhile loading save.● Fixes GeForce GTX 980­specific crash issue.● Fixes XBox One memory management issue.● Fixes crash occurring during conversation with owner of haunted house in quest titledNovigrad Dreaming.● Fixes issue where looting often caused mini freezes on Xbox One.● Fixes issue with game stability when loading game saves.

● Fixes unwanted variation in display of certain tutorial text content.● Fixes UI issue whereby icons would become corrupted when items were purchasedor disassembled.● Fixes issue whereby Character panel would open if player started meditating just asGeralt left previous meditation.

● Fixes visual stutter in animation of Roach (horse).● FIxes assorted graphics glitches, including, but not limited to, two instances of Roachappearing simultaneously, NPCs appearing to lack hands, dead bodies flying off aftera foe is decapitated, and others.● Introduces array of minor changes in in­game locations and in presentation of saidlocations on in­game maps.● Fixes visual issue with appearance of light in house windows at short distances.● Fixes issue whereby peasants would walk incorrectly while carrying boxes.● Fixes visual issue entailing incorrect behavior of blood splatter from felled opponents.● Fixes incorrect display of leshen’s s root attack FX.● Fixes issue whereby some corridors were missing from minimap of elven ruins inquest titled The Sunstone.● Fixes corrupted minimap of caves in quest titled Scavenger Hunt: Cat School Gear.● Fixes stuttering animations of some NPCs when viewed at a distance.● Fixes issue whereby NPCs in background would occasionally disappear whendialogue choices were displayed.● Fixes multiple instances of duplication of interaction icons on trapdoors and ladders.● Fixes collision issue whereby player could climb through ceiling of Kingfisher’s cellar.● Improves shifts in level of detail on selected buildings in main square of Novigrad.● Fixes chair hanging in midair in Oxenfurt river port.● Fixes issue whereby Geralt could fall through floor behind bed in Roche’s room inTemerian guerilla hideout.● Improves visibility of spawning on selected NPCs in Novigrad.● Improves appearance of water ripples triggered by Aard Sign.● Fixes issues involving NPCs freezing or adopting T­pose when viewed from adistance.● Fixes pop­in issues for certain types of small foliage.● Fixes issue entailing improper appearance of Redanian armor cloth on Geralt whenemerging from scenes and following fast travel.● Fixes broken animation/meshes for horses in quest titled Ciri’s Story: Out of theShadows.● Fixes issue whereby Lambert could adopt T­pose if certain path was chosen in questtitled The Battle of Kaer Morhen.● Adds some missing water ripple effects.● Fixes animation issues affectin certain female NPC.● Fixes issue whereby sound focus clues in Color­blind Friendly mode were red.● Fixes multiple streaming delay issues with terrain, in­game community and foliage.● Fixes issue with level of detail for King Radovid’s ship.● Fixes issue whereby raindrops would become invisible if player character died duringrainfall.● Fixes issue whereby Geralt would adopt T­pose during specific cutscene.● Fixes multiple issues entailing pop­in of building elements.● Fixes issue with hanged man’s body adopting T­pose.● Fixes corrupted rope in cut scene set in water well.● Fixes rendering issue on house in Oxenfurt.● Restores intended blood decal so it appears on Geralt and other NPCs when hit.● Fixes issue whereby Geralt appeared solely in undergarments throughout a cutscene.● Fixes issue whereby water surface texture was discontinuous when viewed fromcertain camera angles.● Fixes issue where both red and blue scent trails were displayed when playing inColor­blind Friendly mode during quets titled Novigrad, Closed City II.● Fixes issue with shadows in tavern in Lindenvale.● Fixes holes visible from behind rock formation in cave containing Mastercrafted CatSchool Armor diagram.● Fixes issue whereby outdoor weather (rain) could be seen throughout cut scene setin interior during quest titled Hunting a Witch.● Fixes issue where beer merchant in cut scene lacked particles/halo caused by Axiiwhen hit with said Sign.

● Fixes issue incorrectly labeling multiple POIs as not having been completed.● Fixes problem with unopenable chest during POI quest titled Inheritance.● Fixes issue with POI titled Don’t Play With the Gods.● Fixes issue with POI titled A Plea Ignored.● Fixes issue with POI titled The Dead Have No Defense.


Editor at Fextralife. I look for the substantial in gaming and I try to connect video games to the emotions and stories they elicit. I love all things culture and history and have an odd fondness for the planet Jupiter. I think my dogs are pretty awesome too.

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