To Prepare for Fire, Try the Pan
Patrick Klepek,some guy hanging out over at Kotaku, is looking to familiarize himself with the Souls formula in anticipation ofBloodborne(plenty of info at ourWiki). So he did what any rational person would do. Subject himself to repeated failure and death. Which is of course Souls lingo for “playing.” Odetta’s Adventures in Death sees Patrick take his character throughDemon’s Soulsto try to wrap his soon to be hollowed head around what might be in store for the world whenBloodbornedrops on March 24th (US release). And feel free to make Patrick feel like part of our massiveka-tet. Don’t worry, he’ll get the reference.
The rest of the series (and his run through Dark Souls) can be found on Patrick’s “Odetta’s Adventures in Death”playlist
I’m also guessing he does more than Souls it up. You can find out and let me know by visitingPatrick’s channel.
Psst…it’s probably still appropriate to wish him a Happy Birthday too
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This was a fun piece to put together too. Thanks to Patrick for the content and Fex for the find
Lol you made me laugh Blitz.I’m actually quite impressed at the approach of this reporter, looking forward to his review!
Fextralife: We don’t bite. Except Barry Wilkins, he bites, we’re not sure why. Possibly birth defect. Welcome to the only board on the internet where player abuse is topical. You know how some games incorporate the attitudes of players into its messaging? Souls does that in a way that isn’t pretentious or contrived. We’re all darkwraiths here.
Also, I lied, we bite constantly.