Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War III Endless War Update Now Live!

Oct. 20, 2017

Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War III Endless War Update Now Live!

Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War III Endless War Update Now Live!

Relic Entertainment has finally launched their teased “Endless War” update, a massive patch forWarhammer 40K: Dawn Of War III.Aside from balance updates, it also comes with new Elites, new multiplayer maps as well as some skins.

To coincide with this, a free weekend for the RTS title is underway on Steam and will run up until9pm BST/10pm CEST/1pm PDT on, October 22nd, as well as a50%discount on the game with the offer ending on6pm BST/7pm CEST/10am PDT, October 23rd.

Now on to the update. There are three new elites and they consist of the the Eldar’sWraithseer Kayduin, the Space Marine’sIronclad Dreadnoughtand the Orks’Lifta-Droppa Wagon.

The new set of unit cosmetics include five free skins for the various elites. The Eldar has aHelmeted Kyre, with the rest reserved for the Space Marines and includeDeathwing Terminators,Assault Terminators, aSalamander Ironclad Dreadnoughtskin, and Diomedes very ownPrimaris Chaplainskin.

A highlight of the Endless War update are the additions to theDawn of War 3’smultiplayer component. First, the three new maps, which are the Eldar’sShrine of Asuyran1v1 map, theSerpent Chasm2v2 map, andDa Extraktor3v3 map.

Then there are the newly introduced multiplayer options, like anOn/Off Togglefor Elites, Doctrines and for each Faction’s super abilities in custom maps. Which should add variety and new challenges in games for PVP and Player-AI battles.

Finally, there are the changes which scales back on the MOBA trappingsDawn of War 3has been put in, and mark the series return to its strategy roots. Adjustments have been made to benefit the game’s early phase and include a 30% boost to health for non-heavy infantry. Allowing players to better utilize these units in a more tactical way. And damage and health upgrades effects for T1 units have been tuned for late game phases.

Also, open-field skirmishes and battles for Resource Points have had some adjustments made. Overall, in combination with the new multiplayer additions and unit modifications, the Endless War update looks like a step in the right direction in reclining the stark shift inDawn of War 3’sgame mechanics. Hopefully saving the40Kseries from a demise much like theCommand & ConquerRTS franchise withCommand & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight.

The Endless War update is now live forWarhammer 40K: Dawn of War III,and the full patch notes can be foundhere. Furthermore, you can check out its overview video down below:

You can also check out ourreview onWarhammer 40K: Dawn of War 3to understand why such a massive update was released.

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn Of War IIIis now available on PC via Steam.

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I actually recommend DOW 3. Although it was controversial I bought it at the launch and I don’t regret it. The game has a lot of tactical depth and play style customization option. It’s pretty unique Thanks to it’s war phase systems that allows for both micromanagement game-play and mass scale battles. Have been paying it regularly since the launch – I have almost 400h behind me