Why Destiny 2 Will Release In 2017

Jan. 17, 2017

Functionally the sequel has an opportunity to alleviate some of the launch criticisms that plagued the first game at launch and were never fully addressed through subsequent expansions and revisions. The futility of trying is proof enough that the next focus will be on an entirely new experience and not an expansion. The Taken King was their attempt to fix what they could. It will take a brand new game to fix everything. Rumors and reports have mentioned that the game is being developed for PC and we can safely expect the game to take advantage of the PS4 Pro and Xbox Scorpio. Striking while the iron is hot for these new consoles and reaching out to the beleaguered PC community sooner than later makes sense. With upstarts and clones likeThe Divisionpopping up and missing the mark for the time being, it’s logical to expect Bungie to release a perfection to the formula before the market provides a better alternative.

So what does that new formula look like? Activision and Bungie themselves through various sound bytes and snippets have said the game will be a significant departure and it’s not even a guarantee that player characters will carry over. The desire is to make it a proper sequel even if leaves old planets, characters and activities behind. It’s entirely possible the formula of story,strikesandraidswill be completely retooled in favor of something more analogous to an open world MMO. It’s possible we’ll even see completely newracesandclasseswhich are such huge components ofDestiny.

Furthermore from our fruitful earnings calls (capitalism sure has a way of spoiling surprises doesn’t it?) play-in destinations are a focus.Planetsare being designed to feel more alive, with thriving populations, towns and outposts and organicquests. The goal is to move the locations away from a hit and run spot that you land on to perform a mission or bounty and leave, and move towards an engaging, always on experience. Additionally a reworking of theweaponsandarmorsystems is likely although perhaps not as dramatically as the overworld.

They also are aiming to improve the method of content delivery to alleviate drought periods for players. The demand for new content outpaced their ability to create new content which resulted in a restructuring of how they will support the sequel post launch. Presently fans wait for anexpansion, and between these content offerings they bide their time and wait forseasonal eventslike the Festival of the Lost or The Dawning to cost them through.

There’s really not much more to it than that. They said it in a call designed to alleviate the concerns of investors. It’s incredibly dangerous to make promising overtures on something that’s not deliverable to a potential investor, so usually these kinds of statements are backed by reasonable expectation. It’s one thing to offhandedly tell a media outlet you’re planning on doing something and an entirely different thing to say to your cash infusers. Yes, some companies do that, and none of them grow to the size of an Activision. If there’s one thing that my study of Ferengi culture in Star Trek has taught me is you hedge against risk if you’re trying to make profit.

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Editor at Fextralife. I look for the substantial in gaming and I try to connect video games to the emotions and stories they elicit. I love all things culture and history and have an odd fondness for the planet Jupiter. I think my dogs are pretty awesome too.

Hah I wanna hear that roar.

I like that they’re keeping very hush hush about the game so far, i’d no intentions of getting the original game, it was only when 1 or 2 people from here were going on about it that i tried it out. going into it blind was a good experience, almost reminded me of going in blind to my imported demons souls copy all those years ago.

Open world, per planet yeah that would be interesting, loading did annoying at times go to tower, loading screen, pick up quest, go to orbit, go to mission\planet, loading screen, fin quest, go to orbit, back to tower, loading screen, finish quest or get told next phase of quest, back to orbit, rinse repeat. Some sort of guardian or friendly waystation\NPC presence on the invidual planets would even do.

I really hope there is no significant carry over from destiny 1 for your account\character, fresh start, a lot of the fun in destiny was getting weapon x, i remember roaring down the headset and deafening 2 random guardians when i finally got gjallahorn in a nightfall.

Whenever it comes out, it would want to be to be this year, ROI was decent but nowhere near as big as TTK was, people have gotten tired of it a lot quicker and they’d want to bring something out in between. Looking at my friends list and who’s playing what the past month, it’s been the quietest i’ve seen destiny in its 2 years. They need to bring it out while its fresh in people’s minds. Something like making VOG or crota’s end raid significant again will add some newness to it and would bring back a lot of the original players, do that a month or 2 before D2 launch.

Hey Capa long time no chat. Was hoping to hear your take on this. I definitely think if it goes more open world than it is right now, it will be a big improvement. Right now all the loading between locations and activities seems to keep players from lingering unless they’re in the Tower dealing with vendors.

It’s going to be a very different game, one thing i will say about bungie is they listen(altho i think they listen too much at times) and change the game, the original gameplay has changed a lot from when it first launched. looking forward to see what they do with this.

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