XCOM 2 War of the Chosen Gameplay Video - The Warlock

Jul. 11, 2017

XCOM 2 War of the Chosen Gameplay Video – The Warlock

XCOM 2 War of the Chosen Gameplay Video – The Warlock

2K Games andFiraxishave given us another look atXCOM 2’supcomingDLC,War of the Chosen, with a video look at one of the new elite units you’ll be fighting, called theWarlock. This followslast week’s reveal of the Skirmisher unit.

XCOM 2’s expansion introduces the Chosen, unique ADVENT enemies tasked by the Elders to recapture the Commander at all costs. Today, we’re introducing the Warlock, perhaps the Elders’ most arrogant child, who has sacrificed his sanity by drinking too deeply from the psionic well of power.

The Warlock believes himself to be a god and, through his continued abuse of psionics, has grown mentally unstable. He believes himself greater than the Elders that made him, and that he alone recognizes the true power of psionics. Sounds like a classy kind of guy.

Armed with an assault rifle, the Warlock utilizes a variety of psionic abilities on the battlefield. He can summon spectral zombies to rush XCOM soldiers and explode when within range. The Warlock can teleport allies to different locations around the battlefield. Additionally, it can mind control enemy soldiers and infect them with madness, which can cause a variety of status effects. He’s also able to summon additional guards capable of deadly melee attacks to his side. While these guards are active, the Warlock goes into stasis making him invulnerable to harm.

Now that is a formidable foe. Certainly multi-faceted as well as the stuff of nightmare fuel. In particular those summons seem like they will be considerably less than fun to manage. Thoughts on how you will be tackling the Warlock? XCOM 2 War of the Chosen releases August 29th for the PS4, PC and Xbox One.

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